how to clean Yum cache

how to clean Yum cache

Yum cache:

The yum is actually a command of open source line of the package and management utility which is for the operating system of Linux which mainly uses the manage package of the RPM. Yellowdog updater modified of yum to mainly allow the automatic update package and the dependency system which is mainly resides in the RPM based distributions. Likewise the APT which is from the Debian. Yum mainly works with the software repository or collection of packages that can be mainly accessed by the locally or many times over the internet connection.

Yum totally depends on the RPM that is actually a packaging type of standard for the digital differentiation of the apps that automatically take use of the hashes and the digisigs to manually verify the integrity and authorship of such apps, unlike some of the stores of apps which mainly serve a same function. Neither RPM nor Yum provides the built in standard support for the proprietary restriction for the copying of the packages mainly by the end users. Yum is mainly implemented as the libraries of Python language of programming with some small set of programs which provides the command line interface.

How to clean the yum cache:

Whenever a package is installed, downloaded and when removed, there are some big chances that the package may be stored or may be saved in the yum cache. All the recent data can be cleaned from the running and enabled repository cache directory, simply login as the root and execute all of the following.

Yum Clean headers: To purge this old package information completely you may follow this given execute command

yum clean headers

Yum clean metadata: If you want to clean any cached XML metadata from any of the enabled repositories, execute this command

yum clean metadata

Yum Clean all: Willing to clean all the cached files from any of the enabled repositories, then simply press this command

yum clean all
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