How to Upgrade/patch cPanel/WHM

How to Upgrade/patch cPanel/WHM

What is cPanel:

It is is the web hosting which is Linux based, Control Panel which provides the graphical and the automation tools that are designed for easy the processes of the hosting of a site. CPanel mainly utilizes the tier three structure which provides the capabilities for the resellers adminstrators and for the end users and the owner of Website to get them control the different aspects of the website administration server through the standard internet browser. It is not yet because it also has the GUI cPanel command line and also the access which is based on API which allows the 3rd party apps vendors, developers of the automate system administration process and also the web hosting organization.

What is WHM

WHM or web host manager is a powerful program which allows the administrative access to the back end of the cPanel. Mainly there are two versions which the Host Gator uses first is the Reseller accounts which get basis WHM. The second one is the Dedicated Servers and the VPS accounts which get the root WHM that is also called as the rWHM. This has some extreme features which mainly require the root access to the enabled server. rWHM is not for the Resellers.

How to Upgrade and Patch the cPanel/WHM:

Step 1: First log into the WHM where you will arrive a dashboard.

Step 2: In the left top corner search for the Upgrade and then simply click on the

Upgrade to the latest version tab.

Step 3: To start or begin the upgrade simply click on the button which says click to upgrade.

Step 4: In this step the upgrade mainly processes and shows the message status, which will say that updating system packages and after that you will see the completion percentage of the upgrading. After the successful upgrade process, you will see a message that says that upgrade Complete.
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