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  1. K

    Steps to change phpMyAdmin password

    You can check the below steps to change password of phpMyAdmin. Frist login to phpMyAdmin with these steps. Now click on “Change Password”, you will get a screen where you have to enter new password. And click on “Go” button.
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    Hiding Featured Images for Blog Posts in WordPress: A Complete Guide

    Most WordPress themes are designed to include a featured image for every blog post or page by default. Even when you haven’t set a featured image, it will use any image from your media gallery. At times, this may look inappropriate and embarrassing. There are ways you can hide the featured...
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    Creating a Booking Form in WordPress: A Complete Guide

    A booking form allows web visitors to book appointments with your business online. If you’re in a business sector that requires taking appointments like spa and salon, dentistry, hospitals, consultation, then having a booking form on your WordPress website is must. It automates a lot of stuff...
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    Steps to start/stop MySQL service in WHM

    First login to your WHM. Here navigate to Service Configuration >> Service Manager Under the Service Configuration section, select Service Manager. Here you will find list of services, you have to uncheck the box which is under MySQL to stop MySQL service. Now click on Save button. If you want...
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    How to start/stop MySQL service in Linux VPS?

    To manage MySQL service it is must to have root SSH access. To stop MySQL service you can run below command: service mysql stop OR /etc/init.d/mysql stop To start MySQL service you can run below command service mysql start OR /etc/init.d/mysql start To restart MySQL service you can run...
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    How to manage MySQL service in Linux or Windows?

    You can follow below steps to start and stop mysql services from windows and Linux server. First login to Windows server. Navigate to Start >> Administrative Tools >> Services Now search and select MySQL service. Here first you have to check MySQL service is running or not and for that you can...
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    What is Relation View and how can we enable it in phpMyAdmin?

    If you want tp create foreign keys in database but you are not able to find the Relation View option then you have to make some changes in your phpMyAdmin. First you have to check the storage engine of your table and set it to InnoDB, its because only InnoDB allow Relation view from which we can...
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    Steps to clone MySQL database via PhpMyAdmin

    You can clone your database in PhpMyAdmin and for that you have to create separate copy of your database. First login to phpMyAdmin. Here you will find list of databases, click on particular database to clone it. In the top bar you will find option “Operations”, click on it. You will find a...
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    Steps to make MySQL server connection remotely with Windows Command Prompt

    You can follow below steps to remotely connect MySQL server. Login to your server and hit Start + R button. Now you have to go to the path C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.X\bin and run below command: mysql -u root -p Now it will ask for MySQL root password, you have to enter the...
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    Ways to make connection to MySQL database from phpMyAdmin

    You can follow below steps to make connection to MySQL database from phpMyAdmin. If you have login details then you can open phpMyAdmin URL (http://VPS_IP_address:8080). Now enter your username and password, and click on Go button. Here you have to enter you server IP address instead of...
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    Creating a Collapsible Sidebar Menu The Easiest Way in WordPress

    WordPress allows you to experiment with how your website looks and functions. By adding a collapsible menu in the sidebar, you enhance your website’s navigability without cluttering up the screen. If you own a WordPress website with many links, consider adding a sidebar menu that’d contain the...
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    A Complete Guide to Moving Comments Between Posts in WordPress

    Comments are a great way to interact with your readers. It also helps other reads learn some new information that might not be available in the article. But when you delete an article, the comments are essentially gone. Perhaps you’re trying to combine two different articles, which requires you...
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    There Ways You Can Minify CSS and JS Files in WordPress

    Speed is of utmost importance to both users and search engines. Web visitors do not like waiting longer for the pages to load, and hence search engines rank them lower. To avoid this issue, consider minifying CSS and JavaScript files. It will considerably speed up the loading speed of your...
  14. K

    RESOLVED Error ”[IM002] Data source name not found”

    Error Message ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified. If you are getting above error while making connection to mysql database with ASP.NET application then you can add ODBC 5.x DSN connection on Windows VPS. You can follow...
  15. K

    Error “Error while starting mysql: Fatal error: Can't open and lock privilege tables: Table '.\mysql\user' is marked as crashed and should be repaired

    If you are getting below error while establishing connection with “Collection Max” then you can check below steps to resolve issue. Error while starting mysql: Fatal error: Can't open and lock privilege tables: Table '.\mysql\user' is marked as crashed and should be repaired. MySQL server would...
  16. K

    Unable to restart MySQL service on Windows server

    If you are trying to restart MySQL service and you are getting error 1503 then it means your service is not restarting properly. You can follow below steps to solve this issue: Go to Task Manager. Here you have to search for MySQL process which is named as mysqld.exe or mysqld-nt.exe. Now...
  17. K

    Steps to change webmail custom logo

    You can follow below steps to upload custom logo in webmail: Log in to WHM. Go to Home » cPanel » Customization Now click on Customize Brand tab. Here you can upload your desired logo with “Browse” option. NOTE: Your file type must be .svg or .png At last click on Save button.
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    Error “vs shell installation has failed with exit code 1638”

    if you are getting below error while installing MSSQL 2017 on dedicated server then you can follow below steps to resolve this issue: vs Shell installation has failed with exit code 1638 The main reason for this error is there Visual Studio 2017 already installed on your server before SQL...
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    Error Invalid class [0x80041010] while launching SQL Server Configuration Manager

    If you are getting below error while accessing the SQL Server Configuration Manager then you can follow below steps to resolve this issue. Cannot connect to WMI provider. You do not have permission or the server is unreachable. Note that you can only manage SQL Server 2005 and later servers...
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    How can we use MSSQL Activity Monitor for the most expensive query?

    If a slow query is running on server then it will consume more resources like memory, disk, processor etc. You can find these kinds of queries and manage them easily with SQL Activity Monitor. Login into your RDP. Open your MSSQL Management Studio and click on your particular user. After that...