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  1. K

    How to fix the Cloudflare Too Many Redirect Error?

    When trying to open a website or webpage, you may come across the ‘Too Many Redirect’ error. Its a Redirect loop error caused by the Cloudflare service and there are two reasons behind this error. These are: Cloud SSL settings are not compatible with the configuration of the origin’s web server...
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    Steps to take postgreSQL database backup

    You have to use following command to take backup : You can use below command to take backup of postgresql database. pg_dump mydb > db.out You can use this command to restore database psql -d database -f db.out
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    Backup using WHM backup feature

    You can follow below steps: Login to WHM. Here click on “Backup” and then “Configure Backup”. Now you can enable the Backup Configuration files option. On the Configure Backup page “Enabled” the Backup Configuration Files option. These are the steps to take backup via WHM backup feature.
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    Steps to create backup file of SQL server database

    You can follow below steps: Go to Enterprise Manager and expand all SQL server databases. Now click on particular database and right click on it. Now you want to select “All Tasks” and click on “Backup Database”. You have to select “Database-complete” to take complete backup. Now click on “Add”...
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    Fixing the Table mysql.user Doesn’t Exist Error in Plesk

    MySQL is one of the most popular servers preferred by database admins. When using MySQL, its common to come across errors every now and then. One such error is the “Table ‘mysql.user’ doesn’t exist” error. When this occurs, the server fails to start. You can access the error in the...
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    Freezing act of SSH connection – Do you want to maintain an active connection?

    It’s tough to maintain the connection active when the act of SSH connection freeze takes place. This process symbolically represents that the SSH connection is inactive now later it got frozen. You can even say it got stuck with the last ending process. So, first, you are losing up the...
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    What is the procedure to disable “Application Pool Recycle in IIS”?

    For every 29 hours interval cycle, you are forcing up the server application to trigger the recycling application pool. You won’t get any reviews from support calls whenever the server hits all other requests. Here’s the step to disable “Application Pool Recycle in IIS”: Step 1: Now, do...
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    How to fix the Rsync connection timed out?

    Usually, Rsync happens between the number of 2 cPanel servers. But it never relates to the cPanel software. Let us signify this issue with all the prospects: packet_write_wait: Connection to port 22: Broken pipe rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (104508573 bytes received so...
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    How to resolve the issue SMTP error: Message size exceeds server limit Roundcube?

    There is a certain limit while uploading the attachment in an email. Sometimes, it won’t exceed the limit but still, you will end with the message saying SMTP error: Message size exceeds server limit Roundcube. This message shows that the uploaded attachment has exceeded in limit but in...
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    Reason to get FTP error ECONNREFUSED

    You would have gotten this error recently. Might be in confusion for a long time right! This article will help you to sort out this problem by explaining the cause as well as the solution. FTP error ECONNREFUSED: This error is nothing but the server fails to get connected so, it raises an error...
  11. K

    Are you facing an issue when connecting the Plesk server via SFTP?

    Windows Plesk contributes its support for MySQL and Microsoft SQL. The platform of Plesk includes all the ways of extensions such as server tools, security, cloud, DNS, and backup. The user is allowed to create a few features with the help of a web-based interface such as the creation of DNS...
  12. K

    Resolving Unable to Activate Scheduled Task in Plesk

    When working with Plesk, you may come across the issue of not being able to activate Schedule Tasks even after refresh. It mainly occurs when the subscription’s main domain is suspended. In such cases, the below command is automatically executed which stops the execution of crontab commands of...
  13. K

    Fix the Package php-mysql is obsoleted by php-mysqlnd Error in Plesk

    When using Plesk web hosting solutions, you may come across this error that reads “Package php-mysql is obsoleted by php-mysqlnd”. Generally, it inhibits Plesk’s ability to update itself automatically. As you might know, Plesk supports both MySQL and PHP. Therefore, many developers prefer to...
  14. K

    Fixing the pg_config executable not found Error

    When installing psycopg2 on your Linx, Mac, or Windows machine, you may encounter an error something like this: Error: pg_config executable not found. Please add the directory containing pg_config to the PATH As you can see in the error message, you need to add a directory that has pg_config...
  15. K

    How to Install or Unsintall KernelCare Like a Pro?

    With KernelCare, you can automate kernel security updates for you Linux kernel. By doing so, it saves a lot of hours for the admins, who can divert their resources to something else. What's even better is KernelCare updates don't require you to restart your server. So your web services never...
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    Way to fix MySQL down but running as mysqld_safe

    MySQL got down now! You would received a statement from WHM and cPanel. # /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/restartsrv_mysql --status (XID l35tte) The “mysql” service is down. But still, you are running with mysqld_safe till now: # ps fauxww | grep mysq[l] root 1030 0.0 0.1 113632 1593 ? S 12:31 0:00...
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    How to resolve cPanel Roundcube Webmail Error?

    Accessing the webmail folder is easy but getting problem while opening or editing the file using Roundcube webmail is tough. Your error will be displayed as an error occurred! Server error! (OK) In detail, your error code will be explained below reason: Unexpected condition from IMAP server...
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    How to fix Laravel error illuminate database query exception?

    It’s a hard thing to focus on error repeatedly. But we are responsible to sort out the issue immediately whenever you get an error from any application. Now, comes the error when dealing with Windows 10 Laravel development executing particular command PHP artisan migration. Laravel – One of the...
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    Fixing the Nginx Error When SSL Handshaking to Upstream

    For an SSL connection to be successful, there needs to be a full SSL handshake between server and client. This consumes a lot of CPU power. If you’re using Nginx as the Apache reverse proxy, then you may encounter an error log file that reads: [error] SSL_do_handshake() failed (SSL...
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    Changing Maximum Attachment Size in Webmail in Plesk

    If you’re using Webmail on Plesk, you may want to limit the maximum attachment size that users can send back and forth. Gmail has it set at 25 MB. If the files are too large, then the mail may not get sent properly. Or the user might have trouble receiving it. To avoid such scenarios, consider...