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  1. K

    How to fix “Gmail pop3 connection refused”?

    Usually, we will be using POP3 for adding another email address in Gmail. Sometimes, you may come across the error “server returned an error: “Connection timed out.” Check the settings of server-wide mail whether the port number or name of the server is incorrect. Let us start adding the email...
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    How to fix SMTP error no route to host?

    Do you know how you will be getting this error? It’s mostly because of the port blocking at the end of the ISP or host. When you try to send the email, you will be getting the error: SMTP ERROR: Failed to connect to server: No route to host (65) Reason 1: The firewall gets blocked with port...
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    Do you get the error “SMTP error 530: Authentication required”?

    Whenever user sends email to the receiver, you will get the error “SMTP error 530: Authentication required”. There may be many reasons such as blacklisting the IP address of sender and login details which are invalid. The one who is responsible to send your mails in network is SMTP. If you email...
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    Steps to take backup database from shell

    You can use below command to take backup of your database. # mysqldump database_name > backup.sql After that you can restore your database with below command: # mysql database_name
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    Fixing the ‘User unknown in local recipient table’ Error Message: A Complete Guide

    There’s a lot that goes behind the scene when sending and receiving emails. When there’s error in the background, it will reflect in the deliverability of emails. One of the errors you’re going to come across is the ‘User unknown in local recipient table’ error. In this article, learn how to fix...
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    Are you facing a problem with email delivery? Error: “Too many hops”

    For instance, you want to send a mail immediately to your customer. If you have a problem sending emails or it takes more time to get delivered it’s a frustrating situation for you. You will get the reason in bounce-back messages sometimes. It may be clear or vague in explaining the reasons...
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    How to resolve Squirrelmail Error connecting to IMAP server?

    Do you want to check your emails easily? Squirrelmail is the best option for checking emails often. It might unconsciously put you in a problem like showing the errors or locking out the entry. You will come across the error called “Error connecting to IMAP server”. This error will occur...
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    Email Not Displaying in webmail inbox. How to Fix the Issue in MailEnable?

    MailEnable is a webmail for Windows email server. It facilitates emailing and communication at many organizations. But from time to time, admins face errors in both Windows and Linux servers. One of the errors is when some of the emails do not appear in the inbox of MailEnable. You wouldn’t...
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    Fixing the 0x800ccc0e Error in Windows Live Mail or Outlook

    Outlook, or Windows Live Mail, as it is previously called, is used by many. When sending out emails, at times it results in error. One of them is the 0x800cc0e error. It’s a common SMTP port error. Usually it occurs when Outlook doesn’t authenticate your account when sending emails and the...
  10. K

    Do you receive the server default page from the subdomain?

    We know that you have a situation to get server default page repeatedly from the subdomain. No need to get panic! You have a cool solution to solve this issue immediately. Just think and make a conclusion – have you got any symptoms before getting the server default page? It may help now at any...
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    Do you want to increase the spam score in the cPanel email account?

    This article guides you to increase the way of spam score naturally. You were in a need to look out the spam score now. Based upon the one to ten scales, your spam score varies. If you get more scores, it means you have more spam. When comparing the threshold of spam score with the score of an...
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    Are there Too Many Failed Login Attempts since the Last Successful Login? Here is the Reason

    If you see excessive login attempts to your server since you last logged in, then it’s easy to get freaked out. When you login to your server and look into the matter, you’re likely to see the following message: There were X failed login attempts since the last successful login Some users have...
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    How to increase optimization and VPS speed in your Windows?

    Are you planning to save your money by using VPS? If yes! That’s a good decision. With the affordable price range, it gives you more significant features such as a dedicated server, no storage of other sources for securing privacy and states the performance in outstanding range. Here is the...
  14. K

    FastCGI, suPHP, and mod_php: What are They?

    When external applications interact with web server, they usually don’t do it directly. There are protocols in place that make it happen. The reason being safety and speed. But for the same function, there are multiple available options. As PHP handlers, FastCGI, suPHP, and mod_php are all...
  15. K

    Why the ‘unknown mail transport error’ Occurs in Postfix Server? And How to Fix it?

    Postfix is used commonly in Linux servers as the default mail server. Also in control panels like Plesk, you’re going to find Postfix installed in it. Just like other services, it is susceptible to errors. There are many errors users and admins can come across. And one of them is the ‘unknown...
  16. K

    Fixing the 454 4.7.1 Relay Access Denied Error in Postfix

    Postfix is a common mail server used by many web hosts, server owners, and users. Many of them report coming across the Relay access denied error, which looks like this: 454 4.7.1 <>: Relay access denied The 454 error usually surfaces when sending to or receiving from outside...
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    How to Fix the 550 SPF Check Failed Error?

    There are certain errors that is hard to determine whether it results from the system or server side. One of them is the 550 SPF check failed error. It is an email error that recipients receive. While the error is indeed frustrating, it can be solved easily. Learn how to fix the 550 SPF check...
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    Fixing the 404.3 HTTP Error: A Complete Guide

    There are various types of errors users can come across when visiting or navigating a website. While its frustrating for the visitors, its panicking for the admin and website owners. One of the most common errors is the HTTP Error 404.3 – Not Found error. The main reason behind this error is...
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    Locking Accounts in Linux When Users Fail to Login

    Most of the times, users are required to log in to the system in Linux to access their respective accounts. This is an essential security protocol. Another security protocol is locking the account after the users fails to log in after a certain number of attempts. Failed attempts can also mean...
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    Do you know to update WordPress automatically or manually?

    Is it possible to update WordPress without any technical knowledge? Some used to think that updating WordPress is an easy task but what if it gets complicated in middle? Do you have any backup option to proceed further? Hopefully, this article will give you more information regarding the...