Steps to create sticky floating navigation menu

Steps to create sticky floating navigation menu

Steps to create sticky floating navigation menu

Sticky navigation menu – When a user scrolls the page down, sticky navigation just sticks to the screen. You will get the visibility of top menus which has a link as it is more important for the user experience. So, by now, you would understand the importance of sticky navigation menu creation in the WordPress website.

Usually, we used to scroll the page up and down on the website. This is a very common thing but if we have a sticky navigation menu it will be easy for you to click the link so that, you no need to go top of the page. A sticky navigation menu is otherwise known as a floating navigation menu. A website’s top menu navigates to the links which are important for that website. To bring up more conversion rates, you can use a floating navigation menu which is visible even if you scroll the page down. This is just like improving the user experience at their convenience.

For example: If you have an online store website, it will have navigation menus like product search, category, and cart. Sticky navigation menus will be very useful for this type of website wherein it increases the abandonment of cart as well as sales too. WordPress with recent updates has the built-in mode to get a sticky navigation menu. Go to themes and then select customize for enabling the floating navigation menu feature.

Go with the plugin option first:

For beginners, it is more advisable to use plugin since they won’t be flexible to go through manual processes. Before starting up the process, first, activate the navigation menu on the WordPress website.

Step 1: Go to the scroll plugin and then search for the plugin “sticky menu”. First, install and start activating it so, this is your first job.

Step 2: Once activated, go to settings and then select the sticky menu page. This setting will help to configure the plugins easily.

Step 3: Enter the CSS ID for the navigation menu to create a sticky. Each navigation menu has a separate CSS ID. So, you can get this CSS ID by using the inspect tool in the browser.

Step 4: If you have doubts about fetching the inspect tool, just go to the website and then move your mouse to the navigation menu. Do right-click and then from your browser tap on the option inspect.

Step 5: By now, the browser will split into two so that, you are now easy to see navigation menu source code. Find the exact line of navigation source code something related to below code like:

<nav id="site-navigation" class="main-navigation" role="navigation">
Step 6: If you find it difficult to choose the exact code of navigation tries using the inspect pane. Once if you get the CSS ID, start entering it in the sticky element box.

Step 7: Save all the changes made till now by tapping the button “save changes”. Check the sticky navigation which is live on your WordPress website. Check it by scrolling the page down so that, it will stick into your screen even if you move the page down.

Step 8: Now, you need to find the space in-between the sticky navigation menu and screen top. This type of setting will help you only if the overlap occurs in-between the elements. If overlap fails then neglect these settings.

Step 9: Leave the box by giving a check at the next of the check for the admin bar. This checked box gives the space for the admin bar since only users who logged in can see this.

Note: Check the admin bar to see the space after correction.

Step 10: In some cases, how will the sticky navigation menu work on mobile? Simply, unstick by adding the 780 pixels in smaller and larger pixel box.

Step 11: Save all the changes!

How to add a sticky navigation menu manually without using a plugin?

Step 1:
Add the CSS ID into your theme but it is easy only for experienced one not for beginners.

Step 2: Go to appearance and then choose to customize so that you can bring theme customizer in WordPress account.

Step 3: In the customizer, you have options like metadata important links, metadata links, site identity, colors, header image, menus, widgets, static front page, and additional CSS.

Step 4: Tap to choose additional CSS and then add below-mentioned code:

#site-navigation {
margin:0 auto;
border-bottom:1px solid #dadada;
text-align: center;
Step 5: The background of the navigation menu is black. If you want some other color just change the color code in the option background.

Step 6: Here, #site-navigation is the CSS ID navigation menu. It won’t be the same for all some may change and some may not change. Don’t forget to tap on the button “Publish”.

Step 7: Now, check your website to see the availability of a sticky navigation menu. Sometimes, the navigation menu will be available below the header most probably it would at the top.

Step 8: Overlap may exist in the header and title so be careful on this part. Don’t worry if overlap exist; It just take 2 minutes time to solve the immediately. In your header, add the margin using CSS code additionally.

.site-branding {
margin-top:60px !important;
Step 9: Check the header class on your website and then add it by replacing .site-branding. Now, you have encountered overlap.

This is a very easy task for all users. If you are a beginner or experienced one, you will be the expert to add a site navigation menu. I hope, this article will help you at most.
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