In this article we will learn to enable or disable Advanced DNS editor in WHM. This is quite easy and simple and mostly all people knows who are in Web hosting business and also who are using web services as reseller too. But, for a newbie in web hosting it is quite hard to find this option. So, i just decided to write this article to facilitates to those who are really getting problem to accomplish this task. So before we begin, we should understand why we need to enable or disable this option. The reason is quite ordinary as being a reseller you do may or may not want to allow users to make changes in default DNS records which get created during cPanel account creation. The Basic DNS Zone editor allows a user to add/update/delete two record types only A and CNAME. Whereas, Advanced DNS Zone editor allow to add/update/delete all records types like A, CNAME and TXT.

Now, we will check how to enable or disable Advanced DNS editor in WHM.
Kindly follow these steps :

Step 1 : Log in to WHM account.

Step 2 : Now look for the "Feature Manager" which is under "Packages" category in your left pane.

Step 3 : It will bring you the interface which allows you to enable and disable features in each user’s cPanel. Here you can select feature template list which you want to edit through "Manage Feature List". If there is no available you can create one by clicking on "Add Feature List"

Step 4 : Here you will find list of all features which you want to provide to user. You can check or uncheck as per you need for this check box "Advanced DNS Zone Editor"

Step 5 : Clcik on "Save" button. Changes will be done.
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