How to delete or clear e-mail for default cPanel E-mail Account

How to delete or clear e-mail for default cPanel E-mail Account

All misdirected spam mails are sent in default account and we don’t know when it is full. All mails are stored in default account is available in mail folder in your hosting account. The directories ‘new’ or ‘cur’ is responsible for default account. You can find both directories in /home/username/mail/cur and new is in /home/username/mail/new. If you want to delete e-mails for default cPanel account follows the following steps

Removes files from cur

# cd /home/username/mail/cur

# rm –rf *

Removes files from new

# /home/username/mail/new

# rm –rf *

You remove files using above command from cur and new directories. You can’t be change the disk quota in cPanel because the disk quota is cached in the “maildirsize”. You can either delete the file or just change the name.
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