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  1. H

    How to update cPanel License Key?

    Run the following command at the command line to update cPanel License Key:
  2. H

    How to check cPanel license is active or not?

    - Go to URL in your browser to verify cpanel license - Enter your server IP to check the license status - Click “Verify License “ Check: How to update cPanel License Key?
  3. H

    How to find out VestaCP MySQL root password?

    In VestaCP MySQL root password is stored at : How to change the VestaCP MySQL root password? Use the mysql command to change password: And then you have to update the VestaCP mysql.conf file with your new password:
  4. H

    How to Leverage Browser Caching for Images, CSS and JavaScript?

    You can keep following code in your .htaccess file specifying how long the web browsers should keep images, videos, pdf, flash, CSS and JS in visitors PC or Laptop. This way the visitors's browser will keeps the most of the data, which will improve the speed of your website.
  5. H

    How to Fix Error Establishing a Database Connection in WordPress

    - If you encounter this error when trying to login to /wp-admin/ folder, then your database has been corrupted “One or more database tables are unavailable. The database may need to be repaired” Then put following code in your wp-config.php file : define('WP_ALLOW_REPAIR', true); And then...
  6. H

    How to Check the MySQL Version?

    In SSH, type: MySQL -V You can also run the following command from MySQL client : SHOW VARIABLES LIKE “%version%”;