In WordPress, adding PDF is an easier task but it won’t allow displaying its content in the search bar. You can upload the PDF in WordPress, it even stays in your library but you can’t see the result in the search bar when searching its content.

Nowadays, we prefer using PDF for catalogs, user manuals, and eBook visits. You have a certain restriction in WordPress in that case when PDF is uploaded in WordPress, you can see the description and title displayed in search results but not the full content. Will you get satisfied to view the description and title alone in search results? No right! This won’t be a valuable search in your history. As we all know, WordPress runs and explore more plugins in all aspect. Here too, we can use the plugin called “Custom Search Plugin” for experiencing the PDF feature. Once you unencrypt the PDF, it would automatically gets indexed to the search result with full content.

Then, your PDF metadata will be added along with the content.

How to add PDF in WordPress?

Search the plugin “SearchWP” in the Plugin section. Install and activate the plugin without fail.

Why SearchWP? One of the most used plugins to search and index the content in WordPress. You would not get any complications while dealing with this plugin.

Step 1: After activation, go to “Settings” and then choose “SearchWP”. Tap on the tab “License”.

Step 2: In the License box, enter the License key and then tap on the button “Activate”.

Step 3: Now click on the tab “SearchWP “Engines” which helps to bring the result in the search bar. Check you were displayed with the media files, pages, and posts. It will be displayed in the default position automatically.

Step 4: If you find that something gets missed tap on the option “Sources & Settings” so that it will show more options such as media, etc.

Step 5: Once tapping on the checkbox to select “media”, now tap on the button “Done”.

Step 6: If you make adjustments in search results for media, posts, and pages. In that section, press the button “add/remove attributes” for configuring the settings of media.

Step 7: Have a look at whether the “Document Content” is checked or not. If it gets checked means, from now the search result will show the details of all features like documents, other files, Microsoft files, and PDF content.

Step 8: Also, have the look at the box “PDF Metadata” so that your metadata will get indexed. Based on the PDF file, you can add more details such as keywords, subject, author, and title. Again, tap on the button “Done”.

Step 9: It’s time to confirm the weight of metadata and content in search results. When it comes to PDF Metadata and Document Contents it’s on the left side so it won’t give more weight. If you adjust the scale, it would go upper in the search result.

Step 10: Tap on the button “Save Engines” which is present on the screen's right side. Save all the changes!

Now, you will get displayed with the message “The index needs to be rebuilt” so again tap on the button “rebuild index”.

If you still want to make changes in advanced settings figure out the process and make changes. Move on to the section “Settings” and then choose “SearchWP”. Now, tap on the button “advanced”.

There are more options such as:

It gets matched partially with the term.

You will get displayed with search items somewhat differently.

You will get displayed with exact phrases.

Terms that are highlighted with the same phrases.

That's it! You have added the PDF in WordPress.
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