Videos – This is a way to promote your website in a second. A good informative video will always bring more users to your website. It is being a trend to add videos in blogs, submissions, and websites too. There is no second word to object videos on the website. There are more websites to show only videos for users like Twitter, Facebook, Vimeo, and YouTube, etc. This article is specially focused on embedding the videos from the hosting video sites in your sidebar widgets, pages, and blog post.

It is possible to get embed code originated from video hosting like Vimeo and YouTube. You can also add this embed code into your WordPress by a surplus option called “auto-embeds” which automatically fetch embed code from the video hosting websites. So, you don’t need to get embed code from the video hosting sites copies pasting into WordPress, etc. It gives you double work right!

Simply, what you need to do is copy the URL of the video and paste it into WordPress editor. Just select the place where you have run the video and copy-paste the URL of the video. It will automatically fetch the embed code from video hosting sites. Gently, save all the changes and tap on preview if you need it.

If you are not satisfied with the settings of the displayed video just go to the toolbar present in the block and then tap on the Settings option. It's your wish to change the alignment, video width, adding a caption and ratio of the video, etc. WordPress is allowed to fetch embed code for whitelisted videos alone and for remaining a user has to take embed code from the video hosting websites.

For your reference, we just listing out few whitelisted video services for WordPress auto-embed options such as YouTube, Vimeo, Twitter, Tumblr, Spotify, TED, Soundcloud, someecards, speaker deck, Smugmug, Scribd, Reddit, Kickstarter, issuu, etc.

We have just listed only a few websites and the list goes on like an array. Apart from the whitelisted videos, a user has to get HTML code and copy-paste into a custom HTML editor block in WordPress.

Old classic editor videos embedding:

Old classic editor is a very common usage in WordPress. It's easy to embed codes as mentioned above. Add a URL of the video into the old classic editor check on the preview. But remember one thing; it’s an old creation so you cannot expect new features added in the new creation in the old creation. There is no option to adjust the width of the video not only width even for other commercials too.

Sidebar Widgets video embed:

You can follow the same procedure as recommended in the WordPress page or post.

Step 1: From the dashboard, go to appearance and then Widgets. In the sidebar, text can be added.

Step 2: WordPress will fetch the embed code once if you add the URL into the settings of widgets.

Save all the changes by tapping on the option “Save changes”.

Plugin for embedding videos:

There is no need to add plugins for embedding video but there are few users who love to use the plugin in default. So, we recommend few plugins for their usage:

Lazy load for videos:

Sometimes, the website performance and speed may get reduced when a user adds video scripts. Simply, try to add an image of the video in page load using the lazy load plugin. When a user plays the video, it fetches the embedded code. Some users won’t prefer this plugin if they are a user of smash balloon YouTube feed.

YouTube subscriber bar:

Beneath the embedded video, there is a button called “YouTube subscribe”. You need to take count of subscriber’s right! In that case, this plugin will show details by giving proofs and count on the subscriber.

Smash ballon YouTube feed:

This is the most popular one to embed codes from video hosting services. The format recommended here is a customized gallery so that it would be easy to pick the videos with available options like adding live streaming, feed combination, importing new videos.

Smash balloon YouTube feed is available for both premium users and free users.

Step 1: Download the plugin to install and activate it. Go to the section “Feeds for YouTube” and then select a page license.

Step 2: In the page license, you need to enter the key. A key is said to be the license key mentioned in your plugin account.

Step 3: Save the changes made till now. Go to the tab “configure” and connect the video hosting service YouTube over there. You can also add some other video hosting websites too.

It's time to make settings for the YouTube feed on the dashboard. It gives a direct redirection automatically. Save all the changes and start embedding the video by tapping on the button “+”. It gives you more options but select a new block and then tap “Feed for YouTube”.

This will help you to fetch the embed code details from YouTube. Cross-check the website for feed embeds. To change the style and layout, go to feeds for YouTube and then select the page “customize”. The customization consists of other features like carousel layout, gallery list, and grid. Tap on the save changes button. The videos with the carousel layout will be allotted with arrows navigated in both left and right. For a more customizable feed, just tap on the tab “display”. Shortcode blocks are used inside the shortcode page or post so that, it is added in settings of the block.

Generally, a video used to take more resources from the server end. In case, the video gets countless users it’s a stroke of big luck for you but at the same time, it will impact website performance. You may get crashed easily. Again, if you have a YouTube account then no more users will visit YouTube right! YouTube also comes under the search engine concept and next to Facebook. So, the final word is to avoid bringing the videos directly to WordPress. It may affect your website performance and speed than your expectation.
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