You are well-known that WordPress is the only top content management system. It is being a trend to bring content knowledge through WordPress which occupies more than 2,50,000. Going through the positivity, it also has a negativity right? Yes! You are not allowed to change the username of the WordPress account. This is not a simple work to change the username in WordPress. There is an option to add or delete profile details but it’s not possible to make changes on the username. If you phrase the username once then it’s not an easy thing for username changes. But, we are here to tackle a few issues like changing the username. Absolutely! You have the option for setting up a new username in open-source software WordPress.

  1. PHPMyAdmin – If the WordPress is hosted using MySQL or cPanel then choose PHPMyAdmin
  2. WordPress Plugin – Get the access as an administrator to use WordPress Plugin
The above-listed plugins will help you to make changes in username.

Let’s start with PHPMyAdmin:

Do access cPanel directly for PHPMyAdmin.

Step 1: Go to your cPanel account. Search for the section “Database”. Just tap on the option “PHPMyAdmin”.

Step 2: PHPMyAdmin has the full database set of WordPress details. For your reference, if you find difficulty to choose the database follows below instruction:

Wp-config.php > DB_NAME

Step 3: By now, you would have known which database has WordPress details. Click on that database which is present at the left side. It shows the database list of WordPress.

Step 4: Search for the table name “wpwj_user”. This will help you to get users list available in WordPress.

Step 5: Search for the table column name “user_login”. Just double click on the username to update a new one. It will be displayed with a box to enter a newly chosen username. Tap on the enter button.

Hope, this process is very easy for you to make changes in username. No more plugins additionally!

Alternatively, go for WordPress plugin:

PHPMyAdmin doesn’t require more steps for username change but for working on WordPress plugin you must be the administrator.

Step 1: Go to admin panel of WordPress and then Plugins to tap the option “add new”

Step 2: The search box is present at the top of the right side window. Type the word as “update username”. It displays with the full list of the plugin and from the list choose the plugin “easy username updater”.

Step 3: As you know well – Activate it by installing the plugin “easy username updater”. Move the cursor to the WordPress left side window for choosing Users. It shows you many options like all users; add new, your profile and username updater. Tap on username updater!

Step 4: Inside the username updater option, you have four columns namely user ID, user name, email, role and update. Choose the column “update” so that it gives you a link to update the username. It also gives you a confirmation via email for username changes.

Step 5: A field is there to enter a new username. Tap on update username!

Note: There is no need of keeping WordPress Plugin after changing the username. You are free to delete the plugin so that it will not reduce the performance of the website. Do not worry about other side effects too!

Installing 3rd party plugin is not safe at all time. Moreover, PHPMyAdmin will be easier for you to secure your entire database. WordPress doesn’t let you do these changes however, we are in a situation to seek help from another source.
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