Plesk Web Statistics is unable to update

Plesk Web Statistics is unable to update

Why Plesk Web Statistics is used? To analyze the usage of website traffic and disk space Plesk Web Statistics is used frequently. Yes! It clearly calculates the space of disk and website traffic by giving you a report in detail. If the website is changed with any interior or exterior menus, then you can see the changes in the web statistics of Plesk after 24 hours.

It’s because of the website statistics that usually runs for 24 hours a day. It represents the pictorial graph in details to show the changes made to the website. You can even calculate for domain required particularly for analyzing the changes made to the website.

Here’s a fix for updating the Plesk Web Statistics:

Step 1:
Go to the Windows server by login into it. Using the privilege of administrator, kindly open the command prompt.

Step 2: In the command prompt, enter below recommended command:

%plesk_bin%/statistics.exe --calculate-one
This command helps to show the calculation of website traffic and disk space. You are no need to wait 24 hours a day to get a detailed report.

That’s it! No big commands or no serious issues to solve unable to update in Web statistics of Plesk. It doesn’t take more time for execution. So, make it easy for looking immediate solution!
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