
If you are reading this blog and there is no doubt you got into a problem while uploading files with word press. Word Press is having maximum file size upload limit and you have to fix it as soon as possible. Many host keepers limits the file size by default. Here we are going to find a solution on how to deal with this problem and make the file upload success

First, we need to understand that this is not a word press issue and it is server level settings. This limit imposed for security purpose and prevent users from flooding your site and making the server to a halt

Increasing Word press maximum upload size:

There are 3 ways you can follow to resolve the word press maximum file upload size.

1) Increase your file upload size in multiple sites installation

2) Ask your hosting Provider for help

3) Modify your settings in the server

4) Alternate options is to upload file via FTP

1) Increase your file upload size in multiple site installation

If you were running a multiple site installation for your file uploads, you may be able to control the upload file size for your site. Please note you cannot bypass the server level settings for this. For Ex: If your server limit is set to 6 MB and you set 12 MB in the network settings it will not going to work. However, you can try vice versa, If your server set to 10 MB and your network settings are 1200 KB you can resolve your problem. Follow the below steps below to increase the file size

Step1: In your word press dashboard click Network admin and then the settings

Step2: Scroll down until you see Maximum upload file size. You can increase this setting something higher than its default settings, then click save

2) Ask your hosting provider for help:

If you have problem in uploading file and restricted size limit, one of the fastest way is to reach out your hosting company and ask for help. Many hosting companies today have chat support feature through which they can help you

3) Modify your settings in the server

There is lot of server settings that effect in uploading maximum file size. Below are the three directives that need to be modified

Upload_max_file size
We must set 3 things to accommodate our file size. If you notice they will use the word M which denotes MB. File uploads can contain a fair bit of text information’s appended to it in addition to the original file

Now we get to know what needs to be modified, we still don’t know how to modify. Note some may work and some may not. It depends upon setup which is there in the server

Option 1: Changing your PHP option in control Panel: If you are running on a host that uses control panel then you can easily change this from user interface. Under software just click the following “Select PHP versions”

Option 2: Create or modify the php.ini files: Php.ini are the file that governs how your server is setup. Due to limitation you may not be able to access your php.ini file. To work on this an alternative method we use is .htaccess is used. To edit the file first login to your site through SSH or FTP.

If the file was already there then check for the three settings

upload_max_filesize to 12M
post_max_size to 13M
memory_limit to 15M
Some Shared hosting may require using suPHP directive which is in .htaccess. To do this you need to first edit your .htaccess file and locate the root your site is available and add the following below code

suPHP_ConfigPath /home/Sharma/public_html

Option3: Create or modify the user.ini files: To do this login into your site via FTP or SSH and open the site root directory and see whether user.ini is present or create one .Then do the following

upload_max_filesize to 12M
post_max_size to 13M
Memory_limit to 15M
4) Alternate options is to upload file via FTP

If you are struggling with current hosting on getting the limit raised, you always have an alternate option to upload the large files using FTP.
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