How to Use Skeleton Directories in cPanel ?

How to Use Skeleton Directories in cPanel ?

Skeleton Directory

This interface displays the location of the /root/cpanel3-skel directory, the skeleton directory. The skeleton directory allows you to easily copy the same files in to every new account’s public_html and public_ftp directories when the system creates the account.

The skeleton directory, or skel, is a feature available in Web Host Manager (WHM), the control panel that comes with reseller and higher hosting accounts on cPanel servers. This directory is used as a template, or skeleton, for new cPanel accounts. Anything placed in the skeleton directory of the reseller account is automatically copied to the home directory of any new cPanel account created by that reseller.

For example if, in the skeleton directory, you create a /public_html directory include an index.html file, each new cPanel account you create will have a copy of that index.html in their public_html directory.

Create a skeleton directory
To set up your skeleton directory, perform the following steps:
  1. Plan the content that you wish for your new users to have.
  2. Place the appropriate files and subdirectories in the /root/cpanel3-skel/public_html directory.
  3. Place the appropriate FTP-related files in the /root/cpanel3-skel/public_ftp directory
To determine your skeleton directory path:
  1. Login to WHM.
  2. In the Account Functions menu, click on the “Skeleton Directory” link.
  3. The path to your skeleton directory will be displayed, usually something like
    where “username” is your main reseller account.
You could insert information telling your clients how to begin modifying their cPanel account settings, uploading their own web pages, etc. In an index.php file, you could include more dynamic content.

A web hosting reseller might include their terms of service, ensuring that clients testing their newly hosted domain would see it. Some include a page with steps for clients on how to begin configuring their accounts.

You can even place symbolic links in the directory, which will then be provided to your new client accounts.
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