How to resolve AutoSSL DCV failure issue?

How to resolve AutoSSL DCV failure issue?

Sometimes, your server management services will show an error such as

Auto-renew have failed for unknown reasons.

This statement is officially displaying as AutoSSL error message. There was a general happening between the IP address which is stable and unstable. If the domain gets the IP address in different number, then it shows the AutoSSL error.

You might get confused here AutoSSL error failure happens because of domain stability and why does DCV too gets failure here.

Let us learn what is DCV?

DCV is abbreviated as domain control validation. DCV is also one of the certifying process to know whether the person holds the domain in proper way or not. Before getting the SSL certificate DCV was given by the authority in certification who helps to authorize the domain identity.

To use the DCV, one has to create CNAME for domain record.

How to control AutoSSL performance?

Step 1: Firstly, login to WHM account and then search for home button.


Step 2: Click on SSL/TLS and then mange AutoSSL option.


Why DCV shows error?

If the subdomain and domain haven’t got DCV authorization, then it shows error in installation of http certificate. This is a kind of sign to show error in DCV.

One should get DCV pass certification only so, SSL certification will be processed.

In this article, we have found 2 common errors for AutoSSL DCV failure:

  • DNS software – 3rd party error occurence
  • IPV6 missing strategy
DNS software – 3rd party error occurrence:

In this case, your error will be displayed as SSL certificate cannot be renewed.

Error: Could not connect to '': Network is unreachable. The domain “ resolved to an IP address “2a02:6xx0:c40c:0:0:0:0:3” that does not exist on this server.

The DNS software set up was interrupting to cPanel. If the server failed to resolve IP then AutoSSL DCV failure occurs. To solve this problem, update DNS domain and then SSL is enabled.

IPV6 missing strategy:

AutoSSL have one unique procedure to check IPV6 first and then IPV4 second. If the IPV6 doesn’t respond properly then SSL will fail automatically. So, kindly enable IPV6 at all time. If you don’t have any support to use IPV6 and so, you can remove it from server.

DNS DCV: The DNS query to “” for the DCV challenge returned no “TXT” record that matches the value “_cpanel-dcv-test-record=zjArUofGfUm_CL48mrPNlqKUox_jqKktDzHc81LJJIKy2lvGIWlav3DlW1E7Jg9V”.; HTTP DCV: The system queried for a temporary file at “”, but the web server responded with the following error: 404 (Not Found). A DNS (Domain Name System) or web server misconfiguration may exist.

The above error will be received if you disable IPV6. So, use IPV6 carefully to avoid unnecessary problems.
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