CloudFlare is a service used for performance and security purpose. A CloudFlare website uses 65% of less recourse, saves bandwidth up to 60% and loads twice as fast and not to forget it has an additional layer of security too. The providers hosting it gets reduces load on server, savings in bandwidth and mitigation of DDoS and IPv4/v6 gateway.

It is very easy to integrate your hosting control panel if you are using CloudFlare cPanel plugin. It did not take too much time to install it on a test server, just 5 minutes needed to complete the process and the service is there to use for all the customers with just two clicks. The most important thing is to get the HOST KEY from your cloudflare partners before installing it.

Installation using SSH client:
  • SSH to the server where CloudFlare need to be installed.
  • The cPanel basic directory entry is next : cd/user/local/cpanel
  • Downloading the tar file to the server is next:
curl –k –L > cloudflare.tar.gz
  • The file must be untared now: tar –zxvf cloudflare.tar.gz
  • Now this will result in extracting a directory which has a UNIQUE_ID. The format for that is:
  • The UNIQUE_ID mentioned here is w40bbb3.
cd cloudflare –CloudFlare-CPanel-UNIQUE_ID/cloudflare
  • The install script must be executed in the following format:
. /install_cf API_HOST_KEY mod_ cf “your company name”
You can get the API_HOST_KEY from the server of CloudFlare and your hostname can be given as “your company name”.

Now if you are thing about how the get the API_HOST_KEY, the process of that is mentioned below. You can use it if you can’t find it in your CloudFlare account.
  • First Login to the account.
  • Go to the option called “My Settings”.
  • Scroll the curser down and you will find an option called “GLOBEL API Key”.
  • Click on the option “View API Key” to get your API identifier.
Now that’s the process following which you can see in your cPanel accounts the icon of CloudFlare.
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