How to Fix the MySQL Error 1127?

How to Fix the MySQL Error 1127?

When working with MySQL database (especially when restoring it), you may come across certain errors. And one of them is the MySQL Error 1127.

When you try to import a backup file that’s created with mysqldump, you may get an error message that reads, “Error 1127: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation.”

Along with the message, you’re going to see the line number in the dump file. Upon further inspecting the message, you’ll notice that a view statement that was suppose to run didn’t and instead error out.

The problem here in the user trying to restore the backup doesn’t have the necessary database privileges that the user had defined in the view.

What is a View?

Queries that are made can be stored as virtual tables within the MySQL database. This virtual table is referred to as view. It will create the result set of the query made if invoked.

Views are generally created to use various types of select statements. They are then stored and later invoked in a simple manner as a view.

Why is Error 1127 So Common?

The Error 1127 is pretty common when you import a view from a logical backup. The creation of a view involves a definer and an invoker. Definer is a user for that view, while the query and SQL security is the invoker, or definer.

The Error 1127 occurs because during the create view statement, the definer is not the same as the user restoring the database.

If a user, other than the user importing the data, tries to create the view, he needs super privilege.

This is a common security measure to prevent data breaches.

How to Resolve the Error 1127?

Here are few ways to resolve this error. You can check below ways:

Try restoring the database as a user and grant it super privileges. After the import is complete, alter the views and change the definers back to the original users.

If possible, restore the database as definer user. It’s quite possible that there are multiple views. Different definers will have their own permission set. Because of this, restoring the database as defined user might not be feasible. Once done, change the views and set the definers back to their original users.

Edit the backup file and either remove the DEFINER = statement or replace the definer values with “CURRENT_USER”.

You can use either sed or perl for modifying the file. Once the import is complete, alter the views which would set the definers back to their previous users.
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