How to Create Virtual Directories in plesk?

How to Create Virtual Directories in plesk?

A virtual directory is a directory name that will map to physical directory on a local server’s hard drive or a directory on another server.

Steps to create a website within the virtual directory:

The following are the step by step instruction to create a virtual director;
  • First step is to go to the Websites & Domains tab.
  • Search the name of the website domain.
  • After the visiting the website and domains, select Virtual Directories.
  • You will find yourself in your web site root now.
  • After entering the web site root navigate easily into directory for creating a virtual directory.
  • Then click on Create Virtual Directory.

There are two Specific parameters for creating virtual directories,


  • Name - specify the virtual directory name in this parameter.
  • Path - specify the virtual directory path parameter.
The next part of creating a virtual directory is creating a physical directory,
  1. Click on Create physical directory, and “create a physical directory with the same name as virtual directory” checkbox.
  2. This will automatically create a physical directory with the same name as the virtual directory you have created.
  3. Then specify the path in the field of checkbox to select a physical directory which already exists.
After creating a physical directory, check-in too few checkboxes to access the source code, these source codes includes scripts in ASP applications. Some of them are allowed only if the browser supports the PUT feature of the HTTP 1.1 protocol.
  • Script source access:
On selecting the script source you can access the checkbox, it will allow the end-user to search the code to set the permission neither read nor write.
  • Getting the permission to Read:
On selecting this read permission checkbox, it will allow the end-users to fetch the document or directly from the directories along with the functionalities.
  • Getting the permission to write:
On selecting this write permission checkbox, it will allow the end-users files and their functionalities by uploading into the virtual directory.
  • Directory browsing:
On selecting this directory browsing checkbox, it will allow the end-users to fetch the details from the subdirectories and files by using the list of hyperlink.
  • Log visits:
On selecting this log visit checkbox user can save the details about sessions in the virtual directory.
  • Creation of application:
On selecting this create application checkbox; make this application in IIS directory. Then the virtual directory will be free and independent from other website.
  • Execute permissions:
On selecting, the level of execution from the program it will be allowed with the permission of virtual directory.
  1. None – This option will permit the file which is static and makes sense to image and HTML files.
  2. Scripts only - It is used to run the scripts alone not for executive the mentioned options.
  3. Executables and scripts - For removing all restrictions use scripts and executable and so, your file will be executed.
  • ASP Settings:
On setting ASP-based web applications, clear Defined by parent directory checkbox, this is where corresponding to the field you want to change and type in the required number.

NOTE: The default checkbox names will be defined by IIS instead of Defined by parent directory.
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