As we know MS SQL Server Management Studio Express is used to your SQL database on server. It is a free graphical management tool through which you can manage your all the databases if any crashes occur. If your database goes corrupt due to some reason then it’s the best option to always take back up of your databases. MS SQL Server Management Studio Express helps to take backup of your database and the backup file will be generating in .bak file extension.

On the shared server the backup will be generated on server and to generate the backup of database you have to contact your service provider. This tutorial if for specially for the MS SQL server 2008 Database version. Let’s see how to take the backup of your database on dedicated server. You have to follow the steps first

NOTE : first you have to configure the MSSQL server management studio on your server. If you already have it you can follow the steps to take backup of database.

1. Go to your “Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio” and login to your username and password of MS SQL server database.

2. Now select the database of which you want to take back up and right click. Select database >> Right-click >> Tasks >> Back Up.

3. After clicking on backup the new window will be open in which you have to choose following settings :

Backup type: Full

Under Destination, Backup to: Disk

4. Now click on the ADD button and select the destination folder and enter the filename with .bak extension.

Note : Its better if you select the MSSQL back up folder.

5. Click on OK. If your backup successfully generated then this message will appear “The backup of database “yourdatabasename” completed successfully”.

Now you database successfully created under MSSQL back up folder. in the next section we will see how to restore the database backup file.

How to restore database backup file?

1. Open MSSQL server management studio and connect to your database.

2. Now select the database which you want to restores and right on it. Choose Tasks >> Restore >> Database.

5. After choosing the restore database window the new window will be appear. Select “Source for restore” option and click on browse button which is in front of the text field.

6. After browsing select the new “Backup media” as File and click on the Add button to add backup location.

7. Select the backup file which you want to restore and click on OK button.

8. At last if you get this message “The restoration of database “yourdatabasename” completed successfully.” Then it means the backup file is successfully restored.
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