How to check CPU and Processor details on CentOS ?

How to check CPU and Processor details on CentOS ?

To display CPU information like number of CPUs, cores, threads, NUMA nodes, sockets, information about CPU caches, model, CPU family and stepping and their speed on Linux operating systems. We can get information about cpu using these commands lscpu, /proc/cpuinfo and lstopo (hwloc). These will report detailed information about the cpu cores/processing units.

Some Examples :

1). To display the number of processors in Linux system :
# cat /proc/cpuinfo

2). To check Vendor and model of the processor :
# cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep vendor | uniq

3). To check Architecture of cpu:
# lscpu

4). To check frequency :
# lscpu | grep -i mhz

5). To check numbers of cores :
# cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep 'processor'

6). Hwloc / lstopo :
Hwloc (Portable hardware locality) is a small utility that shows the detailed graphical structure of the processor.
# sudo apt-get install hwloc
# hwloc

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