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How to add or remove MIME types in Plesk?

What is MIME?

MIME is abbreviated as multipurpose internet mail exchange. It solidly gives an instruction to mail application or web browser when it receives files. You may ask what is the instruction? The instruction is based on files handling method from the server. When the user requests any files from the server simultaneously, it request the object type from MIME. MIME types are runner with internal and external application. Browser is operated as internally, and word processing is operated as externally.
When a client requests a web page to the server, MIME type also added with the web page content. If there was any file attached as so, IIS will give an update to say what type of MIME it is. So, the client will address the MIME type and web page once received.
IIS has the option only to get process the MIME type files. MIME types is defined with directory level and IIS global level. Virtual directory level is defined from website main configuration and global level is inherited inside. Let us see how to add MIME type in virtual directory level:

How to add MIME type in virtual directory inside the website:

Step 1: Search for the website & domain and then go to website domain name.
Step 2: Tap on virtual directories. You will get corresponding link displayed there.
Step 3: Choose the MIME type and if it is not present kindly add the MIME type by clicking on add MIME type.
There, you can see three choices such as
  • In the field extension, enter the file type extension either use * or .
  • Enter the content type
  • You can choose from the given list or enter the content type. Tap on custom field and start entering the content type.
Step 4: Completed all process and finally click on ok button.

How to remove MIME type in virtual directory inside the website?

Step 1:Again, search for website & domain option. After clicking, you will get list of website domain names. Choose the one where you have to remove MIME type.
Step 2: You can see an option called virtual directories. Choose that and it shows the link accordingly.
Step 3: You might add MIME type on your own so, choose the MIME type and tap on the button remove
Step 4: It asks you a confirmation. Click on OK button.
If you need to edit the MIME type, then follow the addition method. Both have a same choice and no differences.
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