Failure of Post-processing image kindly scale it to 2500 pixels for upload

Failure of Post-processing image kindly scale it to 2500 pixels for upload

Sometimes you will get an error stating as “Post-processing of the image failed likely because the server is busy or does not have enough resources. Uploading a smaller image may help. Suggested maximum size is 2500 pixels.”

You might get an error in different situations like
  • When you paste images in the block editor of WordPress.
  • Use Image-block to upload images to the media library.
  • Use the admin site to upload images to the media library.
Whenever you try to upload a batch of images in png format it may end up with an error or successful upload. It entirely depends upon the situation in which you upload the images. It’s not sure that all images are png maybe something might be jpeg or SVG.

Even if you go through more forums, you can see more questions comes around the same error. For temporary relief, we can give you two suggestions:
  • Go to your theme and add the below-mentioned line to the function.php
add_filter( 'big_image_size_threshold', '__return_false' );
  • Go to WordPress dashboard and select the plugin section to download the plugin "Disable "BIG Image" 'Thresold".
For another purpose, we have listed out some solutions for fixing image problems whenever you get:
  1. Try out any other browser for uploading images because some browsers don’t have compatibility to upload images you have.
  2. Don’t use symbols or any risky stuff as image name. Instead name it casually from a-z.
  3. Check out your limitation of upload whether it is more than 1MB.
  4. Check your resources on the server whether its works correctly or not.
  5. PHP version plays a very important role here. So, make your old PHP version into a new one without fail.
  6. PHP modules should be enabled make sure on that forever.
  7. Make sure on Apache modules too!
  8. Try to do Cloudfare disable!
  9. Use .htaccess for disabling SecFilterScanPost and SecFilterEngine
  10. Ignore using GD Editor.
Hereby, you can come across image problems by fixing all other solutions listed above. It's easy to fix 2500-pixel image with temporary solutions too!
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