Do you get HTTP Error 403.14 – Forbidden often in IIS webpage?

Do you get HTTP Error 403.14 – Forbidden often in IIS webpage?

Whenever you open the webpage IIS, you will get error messages such as “Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory”. The below-mentioned is the technical message you will get when you visit a website hosted by the version in the latest of IIS.

Server Error in Application "application name"
HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden
HRESULT: 0x00000000
Description of HRESULT : The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory.
A user would get this issue to the web hoster for a solution. But a web host should deal with it right!

So, use the steps mentioned below:

Method 1:

Step 1:
Do the starting process of the IIS Manager. Tap on the “Start” and then choose “Run”. In the run, type as inetmgr.exe and then do select OK.

Step 2: Do expand websites and server name in IIS Manager. Now, you can choose the website to change.

Step 3: Look out the option “Features” and then tap twice on “Directory browsing”.


Step 4: Go to pane “Action” and choose “Enable”.


Method 2:

Step 1:
Do the starting process of the IIS Manager. Tap on the “Start” and then choose “Run”. In the run, type as inetmgr.exe and then do select OK.

Step 2: Do expand websites and server name in IIS Manager. Now, you can choose the website to change.

Step 3: Look out the option “Features” and then tap twice on “Default document”.

Step 4: Go to pane “Action” and choose “Enable”.

Step 5: Go to the “File Name” and then start typing the default document. Tap on the button “OK”.

How to enable the IIS Express feature of directory browsing?

Step 1:
Go to window of command prompt, directly fetch the folder of IIS Express.

C:\Program Files\IIS Express
Just type it in the command prompt!

Don’t forget to tap on the button “Enter”!

Step 2: You have to enter below command:

appcmd set config /section:directoryBrowse /enabled:true
Tap on the button Enter!

Overall! It's just the execution of command prompt and steps. Look into the steps for more information!
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