Displaying WordPress form in Single Line

Displaying WordPress form in Single Line

Generally, forms will have all the details on a full page or half page. To minimize the space, you can even make a form to display in a single line. It's easy to add the single line form to develop the conversation on the most popular website.

This single-line form never takes more space and is easy to get adjusted with the content that is existed already. For example, you would see the sign-up for the email newsletter will be displayed in a single line. Not only on the contact us page, but you can also even add it on landing pages and home pages too. More than getting leads and subscribers, you can use this single-line form for further use.

Single Line Form Creation:

Use the plugin “WPForms” which has a good number of users in and around WordPress.
Just by using the drag and drop builder, it's easy to create any type of form. It helps to grow the list of email and other marketing tools.

Step 1: Start installing the plugin and don’t forget to activate it.
Step 2: Go to the “WPForms” and then choose “add new”. Enter the name of the form so, you can select the template based on the requirement.
Step 3: Here, we are choosing the template “Opt-in Form” and then tap on the button “Use Template”. This process helps to get a drag and drop builder for forms.
Step 4: The template which we chose already will show the details such as email, name, and submit button. Start editing each field just by making changes on the left side.
Step 5: Now, you can customize the field so that it will get displayed as you like.
For doing this process, go to “Settings” and then choose “General”. Again, tap on the tab “Advanced”.
Step 6: There, you can see the box called “Form CSS Class” where you need to type “inline-fields”. This specific field helps to show the single line form neatly.
Step 7: Even, if you want to minimize the single line form again tap on the option “Hide Label”. The placeholder box helps the user to convey the name of the forms. After setting up the field customization, save all the changes without fail.
Step 8: Till now, the creation of single-line form in WordPress is over. Adding the single-line form won’t be a bigger task.

It's your choice to add the single-line form to the WordPress website wherever you want. The process is the same for all the pages so, don’t worry to add it to another page if you want.

Step 1: Open the page where you want to add the single-line form. There, you can see the icon button “+” search for the plugin “WPForms”.
Step 2: Tap on the plugin to save it to your website. Earlier, you would have created the single line form so, it will be displayed again. The content editor now shows the preview of the page for confirmation. It's time to tap on the “Publish” or “Update” button. Now, check on your website whether a single line form is displayed or not.

Hopefully, it will be added.
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