Complete Process of Uninstalling Memcached on a Linux Server

Complete Process of Uninstalling Memcached on a Linux Server

Memcached is an incredibly powerful caching tool that can significantly speed up your website. So it isn’t quite a surprise to know that many web hosting plans come with Memcached installed on the Linux server. But there are times when you’d want to get rid of it for an alternative, let’s say Redis. Also, many admins uninstall Memcached for troubleshooting. In such cases, you’d have to delete Memcached from the Linux server. In this tutorial, we explain how to do so.

This tutorial assumes that you’re on Cent OS/RHEL 7.x. If you’re using a different operating system, then the process might be slightly different.

Follow the steps mentioned below (you’d need root access to follow through):
  • Log in to Memcache server
  • Execute “sudo -s” in the terminal which would enable the root access for uninstall
  • Now go into the Uninstaller and type
  • Once inside the folder, type ls
  • Then type sh Uninstall_AirWatchMemcached.bin. It’d open up the UnInstaller and start the uninstalling process. Press Enter to continue. Once finished you’d get the success message
  • Execute service memcached status to check and confirm if Memcached was successfully uninstalled
So that’s how you uninstall Memcached from your Linux server. For further assistance, contact the hosting support team.
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