Complete Guide to Using Post Revisions to Undo Changes in WordPress

Complete Guide to Using Post Revisions to Undo Changes in WordPress

A WordPress website is a great way to publish content on the internet with minimal technical knowledge. If you use it frequently to write and publish articles, you might be wondering if there’s a better way to undo an action. There’s a feature called Post Revisions that allows you to correct your mistakes. In this article, learn how to use this tool for your benefit.

What is Post Revisions?

Before you start using Post Revisions, you should be aware of what it is. When using WordPress to write a blog post or article, you might have noticed that WordPress automatically saves your progress. You can confirm this by looking at the “Saved” status with a tick mark.

This feature is called autosave. Through this process, it creates a saves a temporary revision history.

When you publish or save the changes, these are permanently saved. But if you want to go back to the previous version, you can use the revision history and undo the changes.

And the Post Revisions feature helps you in that pursuit.

How to Use Post Revisions?

Using this feature is relatively straightforward. To check the revisions, available, click on the document. Towards the bottom, you’ll see the number of revisions available for review. You’ll get more details like time and date you’ve made the change on. Along with that, you’ll be able to see who made the revisions. The green and pink color will tell you what changes were made precisely.

Another handy feature is the “Compare any two revisions” feature. You can split the scrollbar into two sections and compare the changes that have been made. To start using it, you’d have to activate the feature by clicking on the “Compare any two revisions” button.

For those still using the classical editor, you’re going to find the Post Revisions option in the publish box. The “Browse” option next to the Revision will allow you to see the changes.

Limiting Post Revisions

You have an option to set number of revisions that the Post Revisions feature will save for you. For this purpose, browse the wp-config.php file of your website. Open it and insert the following code towards the end:

“define( 'WP_POST_REVISIONS', n );”
Replace n with the number of reviews you want to have. If you want Post Revisions to record five changes, put in 5 and so on.

You do not have to worry about revisions taking up space and slowing your site down. WordPress only record these revisions when you are browsing through. When it makes calls to the front end, it skips them.

With that said, you do need to take some actions on the revisions you no longer need. Before deleting them, it’s advised to take a backup and save everything in a separate file.

Once done, install the WP-Optimize plugin. Now open it and click on Database. You’ll find an option that reads “Clean all post revisions.” Tick on it and then click “Run optimization” at the bottom. It will remove all the revisions from your website.

So that’s how you use Post Revisions to check for revisions and undo the changes you’ve made.
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