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[Resolved] Email error: 550 No such user here

[Resolved] Email error: 550 No such user here

Email: A new way to share your messages and files. When you send a mail to your friend or business-related person sometimes the email would be rejected. The reason behind this is the server doesn’t recognize the username or general error is username doesn’t find. So, you will be receiving the error such as “550 no such user here”.

Also, cross-check with few things such as email address is correct or not, email route is not correct, MX records, file permissions may be incorrect. But in this article, we are going to discuss mainly on three activities such as
  • Email address was not correct
  • You would be having recipient server with duplicate sender
  • Mail exchanger misconfiguration.
Email address was not correct:

When you send a mail to any user before that username should be present in that server. When you perform migration in domain, it occurs normally by missing email address. Even though, the user tries his best to get communicate with old name, but it doesn’t help out. It says your account is not match able. In cPanel, configuring mails will have improper permission settings so, this will be deleting the email account added previously. So, when you send email it reflects the error.

How to fix this error?

If we edit the permissions given for folders and file, it may help sometimes. Also, check with domain entry to fix mail configuration file. It will also give same error results.

How server helps to solve this error?

Server takes main responsibility when you perform migration in terms of website function and domain migration. Server used to check the list and mail configuration set up periodically. From this we would be knowing if something gets wrong.

Recipient server has duplicate account as sender:

Within the same network, if you have new service or older service provider user is sometimes difficult to send mails. Let me say with an example: If you have user A and user B account and user A is deal with new server but the user B couldn’t send mails.

So, User B has the same entry of User A. This is known as improper migration. To solve this problem, just delete the phantom account from the server.

Mail exchanger mis configuration:

Few users will be interested to use Google apps for domains. At the same time, webmasters don’t have MX route remote enabling. By simply enabling remote mail exchanger so, now you won’t be misconfiguring mail exchanger.

This is easy to recover from 550 error! Do the best!
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