
  1. K

    Do you clear cache in WordPress?

    Are you keep on updating the website? But it doesn’t give any changes right! Still, you are working with the old version of WordPress. You might be wondering what happened to your website. Why it is not responding to any of your processes? It’s because you haven’t cleared the cache in WordPress...
  2. K

    How to disable caching of cpanel ports in cloudflare?

    If you are using cloudflare and having issue on accessing cpanel or WHM ports then here is something for you. You can disable caching of particular ports in cloudflare. You can check below steps for this: Your WHM access URL is, here 2087 is must be port on which you...
  3. bhawanisingh

    What is Opcache and steps to enable Opcache in cpanel?

    CPANEL: CPanel is the web hosting control panel which is based on Linux operating system. It provides the interface of graphics and automation tools. This tool makes the website hosting process very simple. CPanel functions as a virtual private server or dedicated server. Once cPanel is...