CPanel is the web hosting control panel which is based on Linux operating system. It provides the interface of graphics and automation tools. This tool makes the website hosting process very simple. CPanel functions as a virtual private server or dedicated server. Once cPanel is installed, it is very difficult to remove.


OpCache is used to store precompiled script bytecode in the memory. It is built-in cache engine used in PHP version 5.5. When the PHP script is complied, source code (human readable code) is transformed into machine code. This is done by Opcache. This process is done only once during the first execution and the precompiled script is stored in the memory. With OpCache one can send many request and get quick response. Loading and parsing scripts are not done for each request. The engine will be working in the background and it can be viewed by visitor or web developer at any time. OpCache replaced XCache and APC. OpCache is easy to install and configure. It does not work as data caching engine.

We can check the functioning of OpCache using phpinfo.php file. In this file retrieve data about the specific installation. We can also use command line to know about the installation. When the WordPress has updated, OpCache Dashboard plugin is used to reset the OpCache. This plugin also used to know the memory used by OpCache. "file://" and "phar://" are the streams that are supported by OpCache.


OpCache uses many functions. Opcazche_compile_file is the function used to compile and cache the PHP without execution. Opcache_get_configuration is used to get the configuration of the cache. Opcache_get_status is used to know about the status of cache. Opcache_invalidate is used to invalidate the script of cache. Opcache_is_script_cached used to know whether the script is cached or not. Opcache_reset is used to reset the opcode cache.


Step 1: When OpCache is enabled, it increases the performance of the website that uses PHP.

Step 2: To enable OpCache, first login into your cpanel account.

Step 3: Afetr that click on “Select PHP version” under Software tab.

Step 4: Here choose your desired PHP version and click on “Set as current”.

Step 5: Below you can find the checkbox of “Opcache”. You have to check it, by default its enable. If you want to disable it then you can uncheck the “opcache” box.
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