What is Leech Protection in cPanel? How to enable it on cPanel Linux Server?

What is Leech Protection in cPanel? How to enable it on cPanel Linux Server?

What is leech protection?
Leech protection is a feature provided default by cPanel. It is an interface which allows you to prevent users to post their username and password publicly on website.
Using this feature you can limit a user for number of logins within 2 hours by redirecting it to any URL or suspending it's account if he reaches the limit.

How to enable it on cPanel account?

You can enabke it on cPanel account following the below given steps:

1). First, you have to login in to your cPanel account and then click on "Leech Protection" under Security Tab.

2). Now after clicking on leech protection, you will get a new window from which you can select a particular folder which you want to protect.

3). Here you can set the number of login attempts which can be made in 2 hours, so the user cannot login more than the limit allotted by you.
You can even redirect the users to a different url if they are about to exceed the maximum number of login attempts.
You just need to enter a url in that box. You can even send a email alert or a notification to that users email address.
You can even suspend the users who are about to exceed the maximum number of login attempts. To reactivate their accounts, you just need to reset their passwords.
After filling all the necessary details, you can secure a particular domain name.
If you wish to de-activate or disable Leech Protect, you just need to login into your cPanel, follow the same steps and then click on “Disable Protection”, so that Leech Protect will be disabled.
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