Steps to limit the privileges of reseller in CSF through WHM

Steps to limit the privileges of reseller in CSF through WHM

Are you worked with CSF? CSF – Config server security & Firewall. The application which manages and configures the firewall of the server is known as CSF. Mostly, Linux users will prefer to use CSF to secure their server. It manages the cPanel and command-line method of Linux. The installation of CSF is very configured in before part and in terms of control panel it has the installation process to proceed with Webmin, UI’s for cPanel and DirectAdmin.

CSF Principles:

The principle has the iptables configuration of firewalls. This would block all the connection and allows the connections which you permit with conscious. It drops the protocol out from the server and iptables connection too. Further, the connection from inside and outside is viable. The ports such as UDP and TCP are designed to work individually without depending other connections.

In this article, we are going to discuss about giving privileges to operate CSF for resellers in WHM. You can give functionalities in limited option and it is possible to operate by “csf.resellers” in “/etc/csf”.

Note 1: To permit the CSF please add below command line in “csf.resellers” file.

#someuser: 1: USE, ALLOW, DENY, UNBLOCK

In the above line the someuser is defined as user name of WHM reseller’s. Number 1 is defined for alert for the email movements.

0 or 1 is defined for the purpose in reselleralter.txt file to allow or reject the alert functionalities of email.

# USE - The reseller can use this facility through WHM (required)

# UNBLOCK - The reseller can use the Quick Unblock feature

# GREP - The reseller can use the Search IP feature

# ALLOW - The reseller can use the Quick Allow feature

# DENY - The reseller can use the Quick Deny feature
Moreover, the user can work with USE, GREP and UNBLOCK.

We have seen about the command lines. Now, coming to the article topic you have to enable the WHM before starting the process. Only so, it would accept your further work.

Note 2: Enable the “Config server security & Firewall (Reseller UI)” as the root admin through the account WHM.

Let’s see the steps to enable the “Configserver security & Firewall (Reseller UI)”:

Step 1: First, open the WHM account and login as the root admin.

Step 2: Go to the “Home” and then to “Reseller”.

Step 3: You can edit the “Reseller Name servers and privileges".

Step 4: Choose the reseller

Step 5: Search for “Third party services

Step 6: Give the tick at “ConfigServer Security & Firewall (Reseller UI)

Step 7: To enable the configserver security & firewall – just save the above method.

Note 3: You have enabled the CSF privileges for WHM reseller.
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