Quite possibly you might have known about this SQL server error 233. Yes! It will occur if the user logins into the database that has been in existence already. We cannot predict the exact reason behind 233 errors since the error may be range from the value in connection limit to restriction of the firewall.

Users will have correct login details but still they experience an issue in existing database login.

After a long search, we identified the possible error corrections such as:
  • Unavailability of SQL server for mixed mode
  • Disable of TCP/IP protocol
  • Disable of shared memory protocol
  • Disable of named pipes protocol
  • Disable of virtual interface adapter
  • Windows firewall view port
  • Cross-checking remote connection
  • Going beyond the connection number limit
Unavailability of SQL server for mixed mode:

There is a sequence for administrator to use username and password separately. Mixed mode helps the username and password to use it for SQL server too. In some case, the setting will be disabled and so, it cause SQL server 233 error. For a verification purpose, try using the same credentials for SQL Server Management Studio.

Go to SQL Server Management Studio> Server right-click> Properties> Security> Make changes as SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode from Windows Authentication> Ok> Restart.

Disable TCP/IP:

Here, you need to enable the TCP/IP by following process:

Go to MS SQL Server! Search for configuration tools so that you can select SQL Server Network Configuration as well as SQL Server Configuration Manager. Right click on the TCP/IP to enable it!

Disable Shared Memory Protocol:

Many users use Shared Memory Protocol to get connected with SQL Server instance. Whenever you disable SMP authentication error will take place.

So, for safer situation enable SMP by following steps:

Click on the start and then all programs. Choose MS SQL Server to select configuration tools for connecting SQL server configuration manager. Click on the SQL Server Network Configuration to complete the process of enabling SMP. Right-click on the SMP to enable it!

Disable Named Pipes Protocol:

For a fine connectivity of local area network, named pipers protocols are used. Moreover, the memory helps to send the information from one part to another.

If you disable Named Pipers Protocol, you will get an error. Rectify it by enabling Named Pipes Protocol:

Go to SQL Server Network Configuration from SQL Server Configuration Manager. Search for Named Pipes Protocol and right-click on it! Enable to get rid from the issue.

Disable Virtual Interface Adapter:

With the help of VIA hardware, VIA works well! So, users will get an error if it gets disable. Enable it by right clicking on the VIA.

Windows Firewall View Port:

Change the view port to get good connectivity by following steps:

Control Panel> Windows Firewall> Settings> Exception> Add port> Fill up the port number> Ok> SQL enable.

Cross-Checking Remote Connection:

Working on a remote environment is ethical nowadays! So, users will love to use remote SQL option.

Enable the remote connection by following steps such as:

Server Node> Properties> Select Connection (Left Tab)> Allow remote connections to this server (cross-check)

Going beyond the Connection Number Limit:

You will see a connection number as 32767. Change it to 0 for settings up new connection simultaneously increase the connection number. Now, you have created new connection also there is no rule like not to use existing connection. You can use both new and existing connection simultaneously.

This is a temporary solution for exceeding connection number limit.

Follow below steps for permanent solution:

Go to SSMS> SQL Server Instance> Properties> Change in Server-level> Select connection tab> Increase connection number limit> Restart.
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