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Simple Way to add Awesome Font Icons to Your WordPress website

Simple Way to add Awesome Font Icons to Your WordPress website

Don't worry if you need to add Font Awesome icons in your wp website. Icons assist ease of use to your website. What's more, of the numerous textual style symbol accumulations out there, Font Awesome is one of the most and perfect choices for the website.

Icon fonts styles enable you to include vector symbols without hindering your site. In this blog, you will be told you the best way to effectively include symbol/icons in your website.

Font awesome is a toolbox of textual styles and symbols/icons, which depend on CSS with 1,278 symbols which was released. The most recent rendition of Font Awesome comes in two bundles Font Awesome Free and the restrictive Font Awesome Pro. We can make an engaging site by including Font Awesome Icons. It is not an image that's why these Icons are loads faster. The fundamental advantages of Font Awesome Icons are given below.
  • Use this icon without any compromise even you can use these symbols at any sizes. That implies the symbols are vectors.
  • The symbols are adjustable, you can change the shading and furthermore add color to the symbols.
  • Browser support is very important and this is a good point because all browsers support it.
There is no tough task to add the Font Awesome to the WordPress website in two different ways, first, you may add manually and second by utilizing a module/plugin.

First, we are trying to add Font Awesome Icons manually to website.

This is also good to manually add Font Icons to a WordPress site by using some codes and add to function.php file of your selected theme. You need to follow few steps which are given below to add manually.

1) First, you need to login to your Dashboard by using the correct username and password.

2) Second, go to the “Appearance” section and now click on the available menu “Editor”.

3) Now, you need to click on “Theme Functions” link which is in the right-hand side as shown in the image.

4) Just Copy the code and paste to the functions.php file.

add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘tthq_add_custom_fa_css’ );
function tthq_add_custom_fa_css() {
wp_enqueue_style( ‘custom-fa’, ‘’ );
This is unique steps and you will never face any trouble while adding font icons manually, you need to use the code as given and you will see that your code is running successfully. Now we will talk about adding font icons by using the plugin.

Steps to add Font Awesome Plugin to wordpress:
There is one of the easiest ways to add Font Awesome icon to any of the WordPress websites by using a plugin.

First, you need to install this plugin and you are able to use this by changing the status as active. Please follow a few steps to install this plugin.

1) Use your username and password to login to your website Dashboard.

2) Go to the “Plugins” section and click on “Add New”. Make a simple query for the search to find font icons plugin “Better font awesome” and active it by installing.

Now you are able to use icons on any page or post on your website.

This is completely about adding font-awesome manually and by using the plugin. Hope this article is helpful for adding font icons on your wp website.
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