[RESOLVED]: Error "Mail setting tab is missing for subscription"

In all your domains, it must to create mail accounts only so you can access mail services. Just install the mail service in your server and then enable it to mail related process. Once if the installation is done from your end then you can see the mail tab on the domain menu.

Here, is the way to confirm if the mail tab is missing in domain or not:
  • You can’t see mail tab in the domain menu
  • Mail service may be disabled or not installed in your server.
  • In case of subscription, you need to install the mail service in your server. To view your mail tab:
  • Go to subscription and then choose your domain.
  • Select the menu customize, there you can see the option called “Mailboxes”.

  • Cross-Check the Mailbox value is set to 0 or not.

Note: If it doesn’t set to 0 then mail service is disabled.

By running below command, you can confirm the mail tab is missing in subscription or not.


C:\> plesk bin domain –I example.com | findstr “Mail service” Mail accounts
Mail service: off

# plesk bin subscription –i example.com | grep “Mail service”
Mail Service: off
Let’s see the procedure for getting back mail tab in domain and subscription:

Setting up Mail Tab for Domain:

Step 1: Using your credentials, login to your plesk. Go to Tools & Settings option, from there chooses mail.

Step 2: Mail menu redirects you to few options like mail server settings, antivirus, spam filter, webmail, set up mailing lists server and outgoing mail control.

Step 3: Select the first option “Mail server settings”. It redirects you to tabs mode like settings, black list, white list and mail queue.

Step 4: Choose the first tab “Settings”. There, you can see a check box denoting to “Enable mail management functions in plesk”. Give a tick mark and move to step 5.

Step 5: Confirm the mail server is installed or not by viewing the option Mail.

If you will find only option External SMTP server under Mail option in Tools & Settings then it means mail server is not installed. You know right!

Step 6: Finally, install the mail server!

Setting up Mail Tab for Subscriptions:

Step 1: Use RDP or SSH for server login.

Step 2: To enable the mail server for linux run the below command:

# plesk bin subscription –u domainame.com –mail_service true
To enable the mail server for Windows, then run the below command:

C:\> plesk bin domain –u domainname.com –mail_service true
So, we have installed the mail service for both domains and subscriptions. Of course! This won’t be a long step to attain the target.
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