Are you getting bounce back email messages? The bounce-back message takes place when you send an email and it fails to reach the recipient inbox. Instead, it sends the bounce message by giving some hint to find the reason for the bounce. Most probably, the hint given will be easy to understand but not for all cases. For example, if you get the bounce-back message as 554 messages rejected for policy reasons then it’s difficult task for you to predict the cause.

You must go for a long list to identify the problem in all modes. When you send a mail to the recipient it doesn’t sit directly in their inbox. The recipient server authenticates the sender activity first to cross-check the sender is genuine or not. If it finds any wrong activities immediately it stops over there. The mail will be rejected without confirmation so that the error displays as:

“554 messages rejected for policy reasons”

In this article, let us learn how to fix 554 error messages by cross-checking all the possibilities. We have predicted our main three reasons to fix this problem.

1. Recipient set up the restrictions:
As said, the recipient used to create more restrictions to authenticate sender activity.

Here’s a list of restrictions set up by recipients:
  • You can see the sender IP address in RBLs public.
  • It is not possible to send more number of messages from one IP address. So, there is a restriction to send messages as per the limit.
  • Recipient used to have a blacklist to block unwanted messages from anonymous. If the blacklist carries the sender IP address then it rejects the messages.
  • Setting for filtering the spam messages blocks the emails such as incoming.

Solution 1: There is more number of tools in the market to check the sender IP address is present in RBLs public. Using those tools, confirm the sender IP address is present or not. If it exists then try to do delist request which helps you to remove from public RBLs. It nearly takes 1 or 2 days to delist.

Note: Delisting is one of the solutions to remove from public RBLs.

Solution 2: The second option is to change the server IP addresses mail interface. It helps to process email restoration simultaneously start the process to whitelist the sender IP address which is blacklisted by the recipient. Ask the recipient to whitelist the sender IP address.

Solution 3: There is a choice to extend the limitation of the incoming messages from the IP address. So, by now the limitation will be more.

2. Violation of email policy:
You will be using the most popular search engine’s email right? For example Yahoo, Gmail etc has certain email policies and it’s just for you to follow those policies without fail. If the content of the message doesn’t satisfy the email policy then it will be blocked without intimation.

Let us give you a few examples and the reason why it blocks the message content. The provider such as Yahoo or Gmail blocks the message content if it has little functionality like bad header, spam contents, malicious attachments and offensive links.

Here, you get an error message like 554 messages rejected for policy reasons.

3. Poor DNS record:

One should have a perfect DNS record as it is set as an important requirement for validation. Yes! The sender DNS record is validated frequently to accept the incoming emails. If anyone of the DNS record found poor consistency then it blocks or rejects the mails.

Note: The DNS records are namely DMARC, DKIM and SPF.

  • SPF record: The SPF is abbreviated as a sender policy framework. Users consider SPF as the main priority because it filters the email sent by spammers. Domain sends an indirect message to send emails on behalf of it because the sender might be in the list of SPF record. If any of the sender IP address doesn’t present in the list of SPF then the email will be rejected. If at all, few users would never mind adding the new IP address in SPF then it will reject emails right! So, it is must to update the new IP address in SPF.

  • DKIM record: The DKIM is abbreviated as domain keys identified mail. To prevent the activities of spoofing, the DKIM helps a lot. This is a new method to attach the digital signature of the sender in all the mails so that it would be easy for the recipient to identify the sender activity.

  • DMARC record: The DMARC record is abbreviated as domain-based message authentication, reporting & conformance. To identify the reputation of the sender domain, DMARC is recommended. It simply listens to the other two records such as SPF and DKIM to say the sender activity is good. Only so, it will accept the email from the sender. If the sender activity is authenticated by both SPF and DKIM only then DMARC will accept the incoming emails. Try to change the DNS record in good capacity for avoiding certain errors.
These 3 reasons are said to be top analysis on 554 messages rejected for policy reasons. Hope, it will give you an immediate solution to fix the problem easily. Maintain all your records clear so that there is no possibility for the existence of errors.
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