Moving Pages to Subpages in WordPress Website

Moving Pages to Subpages in WordPress Website

To make the visibility of content, one of the easiest methods is to creating subpages. Once if we add the content, next it's our turn to navigate the page to the subpage or wherever we want. To do this, just follow the below-mentioned steps:

Step 1: Go to the link “Appearance” which is listed on the left side of the panel.

Step 2: Now, choose the option “Menu” present beneath the link of “Appearance”. Do scroll down so that, you can see the “Page” from that choose “New Page”. If needed, you can easily add it to the navigation menu.

Step 3: To add the “New Page” to the menu of “Navigation” go to the list of “Pages”. Just see the button “Add to Menu”.

Step 4: Just by tapping the button rectangular in shape it creates the sub-page. Drag wherever you want to fix the subpage.

Now, it is over! Click on the save button for saving all the changes you have done till now.

You have to know another method to convert the existing page into a subpage by locating the page where you want to add the subpage click on the “Quick Edit” menu.

You will get the new window, where you get the dropdown menu in the name of the Parent. Without fail, just click on the update button. That’s all! You got the subpage from the existing page you created already.
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