Methods of adding Cron job to VestaCP

Methods of adding Cron job to VestaCP

Before getting into the topic let us learns what Cron is and how does it work?

Cron is Linux based utility that schedules a script or a command on the server to run on a specific date and time. So, a Cron job will work as a scheduled take by itself and be used for repetitive tasks automatically.

For instance, Cron Job can be set on deleting temporary files on a daily or weekly, or monthly basis to maintain the disk space.

Next, let see what are VestaCP and its uses?

is an open-source control panel that is used for multiple purposes (like, managing various websites, email accounts, MySQL DB, FTP account, DNS records, and so on). Since it is open-source, VestaCP is free and easy to install.

Here are the steps on how to set up Cron Job into VestaCP:

Step 1:
We must log in to the VestaCP account and then click on the Crontab in it.

Step 2: In there we can able to view many Cron jobs, where clicking on Cron job will help us to create a new job.

Step 3: Later, we have to specify the required job and date/time to execute the Cron job.

Step 4: We need to select any value and then need to click on the Generate button in VestaCP.
  • There are various tabs used in VestaCP, they are, Minutes tab, Hourly tab, Daily tab, Weekly tab, Monthly tab.
  • Every tab has its characteristics to be used. Like, Minutes tab – we can set a job for required minutes by mentioning it as (*), example */20, and more. Hourly tab – can be used to set 0,15,30,45 minutes of every even 1 or 2 ….. 12 hours. Daily tab – this can be used to perform the job on every odd / even day. Weekly tab – we can set a particular task on specific days of the week. Monthly tab – we can schedule a job on every odd/even month and so date, hours, minutes can be chosen.

Step 5: After choosing the tab we need to schedule a job, click on Add button to get a pop-up message showing the creation has been successfully made.

Step 6: We shall make use of the button which is presented on the right side to delete or edit our job according to our requirements.
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