Limit Reseller Privileges From Within WHM

Limit Reseller Privileges From Within WHM

If and when you create reseller accounts in Web Host Manager, the next thing is to limit the privileges. Otherwise, it’d get quite hard to manage your resellers. Even worse, you’ll end up taking down all the sites that are hosted on that server.

More specifically, you should be cautious while granting root privileges to these accounts. Too many privileges will allow them to have access to section they shouldn’t have. In this article, you’ll learn how to limit reseller privileges from WHM.

You can follow below steps:
  • Login to your WHM with the correct credentials
  • Navigate into the Resellers section and click on the “Edit Reseller Nameservers and Privileges” option
  • You’ll find a list of resellers available. Select the one you want to manage and hit “Submit
  • This will open up a panel where you can set the privileges. Make the desired changes and click “Save All Settings” to confirm
That’s how to set privileges for the reseller accounts. In the subsequent sections, we’ll list a few options you’ll find in the edit panel which you should set.

Account Creation Limits

You should limit how many accounts the resellers can create. For this section, first two options will be automatically set by the reseller plan. You should not tick the “Overselling Allowed” option.

Feature Limits

In this section, you should tick the following options:
  • List Accounts
  • View Accounts Bandwidth Usage
  • (Un)Suspend
  • Change Password
  • Create
  • Edit MX Entries
  • Terminate
  • Upgrade/Downgrade
For the DNS, you need to tick Add, Edit, Park, Remove.

Similarly, for Packages, tick on Add/Remove, Edit.

Package Privileges

For the Package Privileges section as well, you need to tick options like the following for Accounts sub-section:

Prevent Accounts from being created with shell access

In the Packages Creation sub-section,

Allow Creation of Packages with Addon Domains

Allow Creation of Packages with Parked Domains

Super Privileges

Finally, you’d have to make some changes in the Super Privileges section. Ideally, you should tick the first three options under Account Management, which are:

Account Modification

Bandwidth Limiting Modification

Quota Modification

You’ll see the warning messages right by their side. Read them before you make then changes and tick the checkbox only if you agree.

So that’s how you limit privileges for Reseller accounts in WHM. What options to choose depends largely on what you want to set.
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