HTTP Status Code 504 Gateway Timeout Error

HTTP Status Code 504 Gateway Timeout Error

Normally this error occurs when the server didn't get a response on time from another server. This is an HTTP status code which indicates the response of the server. If you get a 504 error then there are several possible reasons like the server is down or not working properly and when firewall unexpectedly stops or restart the connection. Whenever you click on the domain you can get the page in a browser which contains 504 Gateway Timeout errors.

Errors similar to “504 Gateway Timeout”:

The error is not always appearing with the same text as different web server shows different error. You can easily notice the slightly different in the names of the error which you get on the browser. Let’s see what these names...are
  • “504 Gateway Timeout”
  • "HTTP 504 Error”
  • “HTTP 504 Gateway Timeout”
  • “504 Gateway Time-Out”
  • “HTTP 504”
  • “Gateway Timeout (504)”
  • “Nginx 504 Gateway Timeout”
  • “504 Gateway Timeout NGINX”
These all are the basic errors which you get while accessing your site. Let’s know something more about these errors.

What are the causes of 504 error?

If you are getting this error then it seems like the server is not working properly or down due to some reason. Sometimes server does not respond on time which makes this page appear in the web browser.

Most of the time the 504 error occurs due to network problem which occurs between servers or main server through which sends data. Don’t you worry; this error is not generated due to your computer, device or internet.

How to solve 504 Gateway timeout error as a server administrator?

If you are an administrator and facing such kind of problem then you have to check several things and want to find the things which related problems. Here are the few steps which can solve your problem:

  • To check whether the problem, you have to use command “traceroute” or “ping” command in MS-DOS. This command will help you to find the problem that server is reachable or not. Through this command, you can easily find that where the problem in packet’s path is.
  • Check the error logs o the server.
  • Find that your domain point to the right IP address or not.
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