How will you use the remote command line for monitoring the Linux server?

How will you use the remote command line for monitoring the Linux server?

Linux administrators – The role of a Linux administrator is not an easy task! They take responsibility to manage the data, software and hardware. Of course! They need to protect from outsourcing hackers and monitor the performance on daily basis. Even Linux distribution has so many tools to react. The administrators use ssh connection in a remote mode which helps to monitor the hardware and software.

Here, we are listing out a few remote command lines for monitoring the Linux server:

– To monitor the Linux, the command top is the suitable one. Overall the world, Linux administrators use this command for monitoring purposes. It gives a full list of running details in Linux. It keeps on updating the new real-time process frequently. It shows usage of CPU, name of the process, how much memory has been used etc.


vmstat – This command helps to display the memory of virtual statistics. It is named as a command-line utility that displays the process of the system, disk, kernel threads, block IO, paging and activity CPU in detail. Most probably, Linux distribution uses the vmstat in the installation part. Once if the installation is completed, you can view the vmstat immediately.

Isof – You would have opened a few files in the system. To view all those files, it is a must for you to use the command Isof. Not only for viewing files it helps you for monitoring the current process in the system. Even if the disk unmounts fails, using this command you can view all the files opened in the system.

tcpdump – You will use the packets such as IP/TCP for transferring over the network. Mostly, network engineers and Linux administrators will use those packets. It has to be monitored with all common terms right! Sometimes, you need to analyse the packet if required in that case using the command tcpdump it is possible to have a deep analysis. This command helps to identify the bad connection that enters the server.

netstat: Often you get a problem with a network connection. To resolve the error crossed in your network, you must perform the troubleshooting. Using the command netstat, you can manage the troubleshooting of the network & other process such as table routing, the connection of masquerade and statistics in ethernet card. In the recent Linux application, netstat is not the installation part so, it is a must for you to install netstat in your Linux.

Use the below command for installation:

sudo apt install net-tools
Use the below command for listing out the connection of tcp:

netstat –tunlp
htop – Use this command for monitoring the real-time resource. More than using top command, users will prefer using the command htop. Because it is the version that improves more features when compared to the top command. It monitors the view of both horizontal and vertical at the same time along with another process.

Use the below command to install it in the server:

sudo apt install htop # version 2.2.0-2build1
We have listed only a few commands but still, there is more number of commands in Linux. Make use of all those things together in your Linux.
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