How to migrate from DirectAdmin to cPanel ?

If you going to migrate DirectAdmin to cPanel how will you do it? Using a tool or manual steps or even both? Confused right! Some users have more trust in using tools that might be predictive to tackle issues in case of manual steps we have to involve directly, isn’t it? No worries!

One of the famous tools used to migrate DirectAdmin to cPanel is the WHM transfer tool. But in some cases, it fails while migration because your website storage may be higher. Typically, you need to proceed with manual account transformation. So, in this article, we are here to give you a few manual steps for migrating DirectAdmin to cPanel.

Let’s start the article by just giving hints to cross-check pre-migration checks:

Make changes in TTL DNS value: DNS record updates plays the main role in migration. By lowering the TTL value time DNS propagation won’t get delay. It’s just to change the TTL value before few days of migration.

Check the compatibility of versions: There is a chance of getting error in post-migration check because of version compatibility. Either in the new or old server, if the version gets mismatched of course you will be getting error. Cross-check the old and new server matches with the IP address number.

Data volume: Data volume confirmation is the main act of post-migration check. If your disk doesn’t have enough space then it doesn’t help you to make a backup. When comparing with the old server, your new server should be 1.5 greater.

Note: The above-listed steps are just primary checks before starting the migration.
Now, coming to the main topic let us learn how to migrate DirectAdmin to cPanel manually.

Step 1: Firstly, create a domain list using the DirectAdmin server. Get the list by downloading it from
Use the command to download the package directly from the script:
Give some privileges for the script to make it easy running:
chmod +x updateuserdomains-universal
chmod +x pkgacct-da
By running the below command, you will be getting the account listed in the folder of /etc/trueuserdomains.
Step 2: How to perform an account package?
Run the below command along with the username

./pkgacct-da (username here)
This command will help you to package all into one document. The file is located at /home/cpmove-username.tar.gz

Note: If the package time extends more than your expectation then you can conclude like your website size is very high.

Step 3: Do this command execution from DirectAdmin server:
scp /home/cpmove-username.tar.gz root@IP address here:/home
Step 4: Account restoration:
After the command execution, the file will be settled at home directory. So, now you can restore the account easily:
cd /home
/scripts/restorepkg cpmove-username.tar.gz
After completing all the steps, its time to delete the file cpmove and change DNS value.
Finally, you have migrated DirectAdmin to cPanel now! It's an easy task to perform without issues. Moreover, do this from the screen to avoid the issues on connectivity.
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