Many a times people get this error while uploading large files or big images through script. Or while updating their WordPress/Drupal account. Fixing this error is quite simple and easy but for beginners it's frustrating. In this article we will teach you how to fix this error. Well, as the error suggests it occurs due to low execution time for PHP. So we have to increase it from it's default value.

You can increase maximum execution time through these ways :

1). You can increase it through .htaccess file: You can add these lines to .htaccess file to increase php maximum execution time.
php_value max_execution_time 300

Here, value 300 means 300 seconds. You can increase or decrease value according to your need.

2). You can increase it through php.ini file: You can add these lines to php.ini file to increase php maximum execution time.
max_execution_time = 300

To verify that the new setting is accepted and activated, you can create a new php file with this code and run it in browser to check the chnages :
// example.php file name

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