How to do Plesk Silverlight Configuration?

How to do Plesk Silverlight Configuration?

You might be looking for the best internet application which is specifically suited for writings! We recommend you to use the solid specification called Silverlight which is available for free to all the users owned by the framework. NET. Yes! You can use the internet application in your browser forever. Some applications are fit to use only if installed fully but few other applications have cut-down plugins. It helps you to run the code even if you didn’t complete the full installation.

When you compare HTML with Silverlight, Silverlight gains more profit here. You can ask how? Yes, there is more number of features in Silverlight and HTML scores less when you compare both.

Let us start to configure Silverlight!

Step 1:
In your Plesk account, do log in with the credentials. Choose the setting “Websites & Domains” and so, you can see the domain listed below.

Step 2: Choose the domain for configuration and then tap on the directory “Virtual”. On the page of the virtual directory, you can see the tab “MIME Types”.

Step 3: There you can see the button for adding MIME Type. In the extension field, type as .xaml. Likewise, in the content field, choose “application/xaml+xml”

Step 4:
Once you complete the fillings, tap on the button “OK”. Now, check the configuration you made in MIME Type.

If you still didn’t see the MIME Type in list kindly do it again by adding the extension. Once if you are done with all the processes tap on the button “OK”.

Now, you have configured Silverlight!

This article sets up with the installation of Silverlight in Plesk. It will help you a lot by creating and running web applications in the browser. Simple ways of extension installation!
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