How to Disable XML-RPC

How to Disable XML-RPC

If you ever want to publish or access your blog remotely then you always need XML-RPC. it’s always must that you should enable XML-RPC in your WordPress. Basically, XML-RPC is a remote procedure call. People use XML-RPC as a transport mechanism to HTTPS. XML-RPC is a type of system which allows you to post your blogs on your WordPress blog. It will help you to use popular web blog client like Windows Live Writer etc. if you are using WordPress mobile app at that time you also need XML-RPC

It’s must that you enable XML-RPC when you need to post your blogs.

How to Disable XML-RPC in WordPress 3.5:

To disable XML-RPC in WordPress 3.5 first you have to paste the following command or code in your specific plugin.

add_filter('xmlrpc_enabled', '__return_false');
if you are not able to do this there is one more option is available that’s just downloads and install a plugin “Disable XML-RPC” in your WordPress and then activate this plugin. This plugin will do the exact thing which code does.

Disable WordPress XML-RPC with .htaccess:

If your site is getting attacked then one more option is available and that uses .htaccess file to disable XML-RPC with.

Apply this below code in your .htaccess file.

# Block WordPress xmlrpc.php requests
<Files xmlrpc.php>
order deny, allow
deny from all
allow from
If you are not using any remote connection or mobile app to publish blogs on WPBeginner so it will be better that you should disable XML-RPC.
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