Free SSL Certificate for Website

Free SSL Certificate for Website

When it’s about a Website then one of the most important things is the “Website Security”. Security builds the trust of Visitors towards the Website. Security (HTTPS) also boosts the search engine ranking of the Website. If you are looking Free SSL (Secure Socket Layer) Certificate for your Website then you should go through the following text carefully.

1. CloudFlare : CloudFlare is a CDN (Content Delivery Network) & Security Company which makes your website secure as well as fast. Several popular Websites such as Reddit, Mozilla, yelp, StackOverflow, etc are powered by Cloud Flare. Cloud Flare has also announced for Free Universal SSL certificate for all the users. If you are using Cloudflare and want to activate SSL then you should follow these steps -:

a. Login into your CloudFlare account and select the website in which you want to enable SSL.

b. Click on the Crypto Icon.

c. Make sure that it configure as “Flexible” and its must that status shows as “ACTIVE CERTIFICATE”.

2. Comodo : If you want to see how SSL works for short term then you should use Comodo as it offers free SSL for 90 days. All the main browsers recognize Comodo's certificates and you can easily get the free SSL certificate with the highest strength and bit encryption from Comodo.

3. Let’s Encrypt : It's a project in collaboration with Linux Foundation and new certificate authority sponsored by Akamai, Cisco, Facebook, Mozilla, SiteGround, etc. Let’s Encrypt offers Free SSL Certificate. It is automatic thus you need not to create CSR and send to CA authority to get it signed as all these things happen in the background on your web servers.

4. SSL For Free : For Free SSL you can use Let’s Encrypt ACME (Automated Certificate Management Environment) option on server by using domain validation to offer a certificate and it is absolutely free as well as quick.

5. StartCom : If you want a Free SSL Certificate for personal use then StartCom is the best. You should validate the domain ownership to get the certificate. It offers unlimited class 1 DV (Domain Validated) SSL Certificates absolutely free.

Some other sources from where you can get Free SSL Certificate are Entrust (60 days), GeoTrust (30 Days), Quality SSL (30 Days), (90 Days), Symantec (30 Days), Trustico (30 Days), WoSign (2 Years) and if you need shared hosting that offers free SSL Certificate then try SiteGround.
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