Facing Error While Adding Domain in Plesk? Here’s an Easy Solution

Facing Error While Adding Domain in Plesk? Here’s an Easy Solution

When you have purchased a hosting package that offers more than one domain names, you can add as many domains to the server as you want. But before that, you’d have to register the domain name.

But when registering the domain name, many users have reported facing technical issues. The error message looks something like this:

Error: Unable to load object of type PhDomain with id=78: Unable to update domain data: DB query failed: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'rnameType' in 'field list'
In this article, learn how you can fix this error and add domain name in Plesk.

How to Fix in Windows Server?

If you’re on the Windows server, here are the steps you need to take:
  • Using RDP, connect to the server
  • Open command prompt as an admin
  • Execute the following command:
# plesk repair db
This command will check for consistency in the Plesk database and does any patch work if necessary.

How to Fix in Linux Server?

For Linux users, here are the steps involved:
  • Using SSH, connect to the server
  • Open terminal and execute the following command:
# plesk repair db
Now when you go back and add the domain, you shouldn’t get the error. In case the error persists, contact the hosting support team.
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