You would be known well about temporary directory such as /dev/shm, /var/tmp and /tmp which helps hackers to give a way to run their program and script. These executables are enrolled only to hack your information and takes more source from your server. /tmp has the permission in limited counts for execution. Mostly, users of Vultr won’t use /tmp for any type of configuration because it is well known for malicious activity.
You can’t take your partition of /tmp while installing CentOS by default.
To make changes on the home directory use code:
You can name the home directory as per your wish. Here, we create 2 GB file using the file name “mntTmp’ :
To create a file system in extended motion for the file using the below code:
Now, take backup on the directory /tmp:
Go to the directory base:
Use text editor for executing created /tmp which runs from the boot:
Go to fstab file for adding the line mentioned below separately. Make sure below you found a empty space:
You need to change another line too! So, keep it as it is!
A temporary filesystem called “tmpfs” is used in CentOS by shm which is executed as virtual memory. We have more options to safeguard shm so, go to the fstab file for checking the line /shm. Check the word “default” to replace “'defaults,nosuid,noexec,nodev'”
Save the file once you make changes!
Now, start mounting on the file system /tmp:
Give permissions such as read, write and execute:
Use the settings of new boot to cross-check any errors by mounting:
You would have taken backup of /tmp already so, place the backup to the /tmp mounted file system:
Start removing the created backup:
Take backup of /var/tmp :
Do directory removal of /var/tmp:
Do link creation inbetween /var/tmp - /tmp:
Just copy backup of /var/tmp to /tmp:
Do backup removal:
Overall, we have completed directory work step by step. It's all code execution that’s it!
You can’t take your partition of /tmp while installing CentOS by default.
To make changes on the home directory use code:
cd /home
dd if=/dev/zero of=mntTmp bs=1024 count=2000000
mkfs.ext4 /home/mntTmp
cp -Rpf /tmp /tmp_backup1
cd /
nano /etc/fstab
/home/mntTmp /tmp ext4 loop,nosuid,noexec,nodev,rw 0 0
A temporary filesystem called “tmpfs” is used in CentOS by shm which is executed as virtual memory. We have more options to safeguard shm so, go to the fstab file for checking the line /shm. Check the word “default” to replace “'defaults,nosuid,noexec,nodev'”
Save the file once you make changes!
Now, start mounting on the file system /tmp:
mount -o loop,nosuid,noexec,nodev /home/mntTmp /tmp
chmod 777 /tmp
mount -o remount /tmp
mv /tmp_backup1/* /tmp/
rm -Rf /tmp_backup1
cp -Rpf var/tmp /tmp_backup2
rm -Rf /var/tmp
ln -s /tmp /var/tmp
mv /tmp_backup2/* /tmp/
rm -Rf /tmp_backup2