A Step-by-Step Guide to Changing cPanel Logout URL

A Step-by-Step Guide to Changing cPanel Logout URL

A Step-by-Step Guide to Changing cPanel Logout URL

If you’re done seeing the same URL when you logout from your cPanel and do something interesting, then you can change the cPanel Logout URL at will. Almost all cPanel accounts allow you to change and set a different logout URL provided you have root privileges.

Whenever you log out from cPanel, you’ll be automatically redirected to this specified URL. In this article, we guide you step-by-step on how you can change the cPanel Logout URL.

Here are the steps involved:

  • Login to your Web Host Manager using this URL - https://yourIP:2087. This should catch your current IP address.
  • From the Server Configuration Panel, click on the “Tweak Settings” menu.
  • Once inside Tweak Settings, navigate into the “Redirection” tab.
  • Here you’ll find Logout redirection URL. By default, this is set to “No redirection”. So you’ll not redirect to anywhere with this setting. You need to change this to your preferred domain.
  • Click on the “yourdomain.com” setting and set your own domain.
  • Select “Save” to save the changes.

To confirm that the changes have been made, logout and see if you’re redirecting to the specified URL. If so, then you’ve successfully changed the cPanel Logout URL.
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