A Complete Guide to Splitting XML Files to Upload to WordPress Website

A Complete Guide to Splitting XML Files to Upload to WordPress Website

Migrating content from one website to another takes some effort. You’re also likely to work on XML files.

When importing XML files, some users report of getting an error message. The most plausible reason for that is perhaps the XML file is bigger than 2 MB. You should know that WordPress important has an upload limitation of 2 MB. Even if you use a plugin like WP Clone, the limit stays the same.

Websites with more than 500 blog posts will have an XML file larger than 10 MB. In such cases, you have to split up the XML file into smaller pieces and then upload each piece individually.

In this guide, learn how to split large XML files to upload to your WordPress website.

Use a Tool

To split XML, you’d need to use a software tool. For this article, we’ll be using the WordPress WXR File Splitter. Here are the steps you need to follow:
  • Download WordPress WXR File Splitter from the official website
  • Extract and open the tool to start working
  • Now, click on the “Open WXR File” to select the XML file you want to split
  • In the next step, specify the size of each part. In this case, it has to be less than 2 MB. So put something like 1.99 MB or 1.5 MB. The last box will show you how many number of pieces of XML file you’ll get
  • Click on “Split Files” to start the process
You’ll get a notification when the process is complete. Navigate into the relevant folder to check you have the exact number of pieces mentioned in the file. You can check their file size to confirm they’re below 2 MB.

So that was it. That’s how you split XML files to upload to your WordPress website. Start uploading the files to your website and you should have no problems this time around.
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